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Everything posted by FinS

  1. nice fish Mike congrats save some for me lol
  2. 1 more sleep and im off till sunday night so u know where i will be
  3. love it congrats airfares are fairly cheap heading to bc maybe next year
  4. check youtube they have a few videos on how to floatfish with a centerpin i suggest u practice in your backyard before you hit the crowded rivers
  5. 1. northern Manitoba for big pike 2. Great bear Lake NWT ( lake trout, artic char) 3. Fraser River ( sturgeon) 4. anywhere in labrador for grayling and brookies 5. Nunavut
  6. 6-8 lb yozuri with a 3-4lb maxima ultragreen tippet
  7. November 1st is open to the fisherman at riverside city marina
  8. nice fish congrats on the pb
  9. nice catch congrats
  10. congrats on the boat you will enjoy it cant wait for some reports
  11. i seen it was massive
  12. thanks terry i appreciate it
  13. was wondering when the annual boq get together was and if someone has room in there boat for me cause ive never been there before and i love walleyes get back to me
  14. well looks like the big girls have arrived congrats
  15. was there thanksgiving weekend was sad caught lots of rock bass and gobies a few guys fishing close to the walkover bridge but not very much action was going on dont know how it would be now give goderich bait and tackle a call they can help you out heres the # (519) 524-7910 good luck
  16. how do u like your okuma i bought one 2 weeks ago been playing around with it since then i like it so far but im thinking of upgrading the bearings looked like fun congrats
  17. Close but no cigar i gave it to my neighbour
  18. well i decided to go try my luck for whatever bit my line from shore its been a while i havent been out fishing so i knew i was bound to get something anyways it goes like this got to my spot around 3pm there were 6 other fisherman there and about 4-5 boats trolling for skis seen 2 muskys landed from the guys in the boats and 1 10lb pickeral caught from a guy from the pier besides that not too much was happening perfect overcast day tho so i decided to tie on a xrap jointed shad in gold and about 10 casts later i land this nice eye thanks to the guy who was fishing beside me he grabbed my net and in she went sorry about the pic its taken at my mother inlaws house i forgot the camera enjoy i figure it weighted around 6 or 7 pounds
  19. congrats i wish i had that much fishing time
  20. nice Mike wtg now im jealous got out last week only got a shaker
  21. im there now if anyone is interested
  22. i think it is a possible go but hey thats just me good luck if you get out
  23. ill tell u a secret and everyone who reads this ive never fished your area before only a lil further north hunting season means big game and big fish in your country
  24. anyone
  25. just pulling your leg Wayne Lol good luck up there tip if you want a big picky stay close to shore in a deep pocket Good luck
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