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Everything posted by perchslayer666

  1. Ya well, drastic times mean drastic measures. Lol I'm kidding by the way. I guess we'll all have to start buying hybrids and electric cars, that'll scare the gas companies into lowering there prices. Remember, sometimes it really is about supply and demand.
  2. Sell "medicinal herbs" it will solve all your problems.
  3. How did you get those screen shots?
  4. Why you wearing a ladies scarf? Is it cold there?
  5. Hahaha, love the negativity on here sometimes. All I'm saying is that was a hell of a lot of work for 1.5 lbs of meat.... Not saying he shouldn't have kept it, but if I was to catch a Catfish, I would have let it go because of all the cleaning and soaking involved before it's even ready to be cooked.... I guess some people have a lot of time on there hands....... Cool report, don't want to take anything away from it, just saying that's a big production for 1.5 lbs of meat, that's all.
  6. Wow, all that for 1.5 lbs of meat? Should have released it dude. Cool report though, never personally caught a kitty that big before....
  7. If I ever catch a record Ski, for sure I'm keeping it, and I'm going to be famous. You can all gawk at the pictures, shake my hand at the fishing shows and be jealous all you want. I'll be hood-rich and be hanging out with Miriko Izumi.
  8. It'll be tough for Cabelas to open a store in the GTA with competitors such as BPS, LeBaron, soon to be Sail, and the host of smaller tackle stores already in place... If there would be a Cabelas going up in the GTA, it'll have to be a much grander store and more competitive than the BPS store here already. As for one going up in Saskatoon, what else is there to do up there other than hunt and fish??? It'll be a good volume store, but definitely not a store meant for the fly-in lodges around there...
  9. Hopefully no one responds to this.... I'm dying to get out as well, and I'm going to make a shot in the dark and get out next week in the tinner for my pannie fix.
  10. Misleading??? You got a car not meant for towing and your claiming CT is in the wrong??? right.
  11. Well this isn't news to me, they should pull these products off the market immediately to prevent and accidents from happening... If you need to use a 1lb tank or something of similar size, buy a 5 lb refillable tank - way cheaper to fill, and meant to be re-used many times.
  12. I've sold a ton of stuff on Kijiji, yea you get a lot of boneheads on there, but if you want to avoid time wasters - QUALIFY THEM - * Get there phone number, if they give it to you then more than likely the person legitimately wants to buy what you are selling. * Never arrange a meeting via email, or trust someone when they say they'll be there in a few hours - call them to confirm. * Never give out your address if you haven't spoken to them before. * Personally I never meet a random person off the internet at my house, if possible, carry the item you are selling in your car and meet up with them in a public location that is convenient for YOU. * ALWAYS GET YOUR $$$ FIRST
  13. Wow good deal on the suffix....Leave some for me will ya!!!!
  14. You guys do know the Alabama logo's are shopped in right? This guy is actually from Barrie, and this pic was taken during the orillia perch festival a couple years back.
  15. I'm cool with this, go for it. Who the heck would eat a lake O fish anyways???
  16. Are you kidding me??? Who in there right mind would fight Chara???? For Dion to fight Chara would be suicide. Now if Muhammad Aulie fought Chara, that would be totally different.
  17. Awesome!!!! Great shots, and actually going into the dressing room after the game, talking to Dion, must have been incredible!!! Very cool.
  18. It will snow again. Mark my words.
  19. If the shoreline ice is good when you do your test tomorrow I might be able to come down, and bring a friend... Is the fishing good there? How do you think the perch action will be? Hopefully it's good to go, would love one more kick at the can.
  20. I forgot about the dogs and smoked meats.... Sold. I'm going.
  21. I like fishing, I like camping, I like guns, and I like boating stuff - it's all here under 1 roof... I kinda want to go, but yeah the $40 to set foot in the place (+parking) drains the excitement for me. If it's any consolation, the Hot dog vendor outside serves up some of the best sausages and fries ever Still on the fence about going....
  22. Uh... How will the validate the gift card amount?
  23. Wow, are people blind here??? Chara pushes the guy right into the turnbuckle... It's clear as day... Watch it again and tell me that Chara didn't push "Patches"... Let's get something straight, I'm 100% against the "Panzification" of the game, but this was a dirty, malicious move by Chara, and he should be suspended and fined large. Chara's lucky he didn't kill him.
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