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Everything posted by packrat

  1. I'm sorry if you found the post offensive----the details were there only as an example of how low some "people" can sink into depravity.
  2. Not just wrong its sick and St Kitts doesnt have a lock on "people" who get off on torturing animals. According to news stories over the past few weeks Windsor has its share just not in numbers like this. The most recent was a black lab that had to be put down because its genitals were destroyed from a sex act with a human.
  3. I've used this method a couple times. Minnows turned out great.
  4. If you were marking a lot of perch in the harbor--anchoring just off the breakwall inside may have got you a decent meal. The pier fishermen are not having a very good year so far----have only seen/heard of the occasional "good" catches. Was there yesterday afternoon for three hours from 4-7 and only managed one perch. Nobody else was doing much better.
  5. Exactly---
  6. That is too funny-----just when you think you've heard it all
  7. Hmmm-----pharfalonus of the blowhole maybe??????
  8. Just finished reading this whole thread-----what a fascinating story and a amazing looking ride at the end
  9. Excellent report----like the fish under the log pic and the one that really stands out is the bow at water level
  10. Was one of the best openers for me and the big guy---came away with a "hat trick" of 5 browns, couple bows and one speck. Doesnt get any better then that
  11. I'm sure this is going to generate a whole lot more attention then this person ever imagined. Where are the tree hugging, placard waving environmentalists when you need them????
  12. post deleted
  13. "used to be tons of chubs, rockbass, smallmouth and suckers" Still is, its just that MOST of the time its combat fishing at its worst and my personal opinion is its not the place to try to teach a youngster how to fish. You obviously lucked out to have the pad to yourself.
  14. You're sitting on top of one of the best local fishing holes around to teach your kids. For gawds sake DONT take them to Wilkes dam tho---good location but not for kids. As for Waterford ponds the main pond in front of the pavilion used to have lots of smallish gills for them to play with and if you move toward the back there is a "point" that sticks out into the lake that used to have some dinky perch. I say "used to" cuz I havent fished there for years so ?????
  15. Got a sedona 2000 and had a problem with the plastic? for the bail. Developed a nick in it which kept cutting the line-----touched it up with head cement used in tying flies and seems to be OK now.
  16. Just a ??? for you "ice----man". When you say gentle movement do you find it is enough to put some flash to the williams??? Was up at Lake Simcoe Tuesday and being a complete noob had to fiddle around with the presentation on the half/half. Only way "I" found to make it work the way "I" thought it should was to give a generous sweep with the rod then let the lure drop. Mind you I had lifted it high enough in the column to see what was actually happening before dropping it back down near the bottom. BTW we got the big white stripe that day
  17. Those are simply fantastic Never seen artificials tied that look so real----you have a real talent for the smallest detail in your work/craft
  18. My father taught unarmed combat in the army. Showed me a couple submission moves (which I've forgotten) Best advice he gave me was NEVER hit your opponent in the face with your fist-----If you break your hand and the guy is still standing you're in deeper crap then when you started. One good move if you're quick enough is to scrape your shoe down their shin----hurts like hell if you've ever done. Follow up with a toe stomp to finish it off. Only got into one "serious" fight when I was younger----never really a fighter as such but the guy I tangled with certainly came away with an attitude adjustment.
  19. Its certainly amazing how quickly the world is rushing to supply whatever aid is necessary to a country that has been devastated recently. My sympathy and condolences go out to all the survivors. Granted it is not on the same scale nor do I know all the facts (little help here) but I find it rather odd that when a community here in Ontario is severely damaged by a tornado (Vaughn), they have to apply to our government for aid/assistance only to be turned down. Any armchair polticians here care to shed a little light on the subject???
  20. Now that's funny
  21. Not really a follower of hockey but couldnt help watching parts of last nights game. Didnt think it was going to be a blow out for Canada and was so disappointed when USA scored the winning goal early into overtime. Congrats to the US team on the win, felt sorry for the Canada team----was a heartbreaker for sure. Still they have nothing to be ashamed about, they made an impressive run for the gold. IMHO
  22. You hear them too????? Like the solitude, can get "lost" in my surroundings.
  23. Right on---no contest!!!!
  24. You can read all about it next week in the "gossip" rags in the grocery store. Plus some additional bits thrown in for good measure. What really gets me is when they report people who have broken the law who just so happen to be an X whatever player or their cousin third removed. Who cares! Does this give them special status over the rest of the population?????
  25. Next time you get some roe after curing it whatever way you prefer try storing it in your freezer in small baby food jars. Fill the jar almost full add a few drops of fish oil then turn upside down and put in freezer bag. The added oil is supposed to prevent freezer burn.
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