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Everything posted by packrat

  1. Dont know the exact dates for the US side but they're "early" season is stricly catch and release. "And how the heck would i know if I was on the US side of a BIG wave in the middle of the lake anyway"-----simple----look for the nice red and white boat waiting to greet you
  2. Iffen yall was keeping 7 wimmen happy youd be a tad scrawny too
  3. That's going to be our game plan too Jeremy Going to see if I can pick up some chubs/shiners from the river. Will have some frozen smelts as well.
  4. Hey Jeremy some better directions then my pm come into Woodstock on Dundas---when you get to Wilson turn left---go a couple blocks you'll find a double set of railway tracks---cross them and stay to your right---there is a variety store on Henry that you will see. Good news---he has minnows (only place that I know of) Bad news---he doesnt open until 7 HIH---see you there
  5. Fired is FIRED no matter how you pretty up the situation. While it was a good move to rehire the lady in the long run will prob lose her anyway (bad karma) Had occasion to be there done that----they sugar coat the whole issue under the old restructuring, your position is no longer necessary and unfortunately we dont have another position for you. Goodbye and good luck in your next endeavor.
  6. Would've served the kid right if the goose had taken a hissy fit and got a little pay back.
  7. Havent had them for awhile but find them better then channel catfish----"sweeter". If you get them out of clear water no problem with muddy taste---there are ways to remove most of the muddy taste tho.
  8. That's impressive Always amazes me that some people just seem to be born with a natural talent for some things---just need the right environment to bring it out.
  9. Dont usually "visit" the park this late so was surprised to hear they close it down as far as driving down to the parking lot. Could someone please give directions to the church that was mentioned in another thread??? TIA---going down tomorrow (Sunday) to check out the marina and thought we would have a looksee at PCP.
  10. fatherof3----this goes on at Wilkes dam as well. Was there one time when the "man" was called----when he arrived while he agreed in principle "there was nothing he could do". Definietly NOT on their reserve. Sorry to hear that "sanctuary" not working---personally dont go near the place after the end of Sept.
  11. Certainly been "cold" enough here in the banana belt for a sprinkling of that "stuff" Been moaning about record temps we've been having----Thksgiving weekend certainly set some new records for high temps. Set out for a short stroll this morning and the first thing I do is you guessed it----put on heavier clothes to keep "warm" Hoomans is cwazy
  12. Didnt bother us at all---what did tick us off we were dropping minnows not more then five feet from where you got the one on the way out. Thought after it would have come out to see what the commotion was all about
  13. Was at LaSalle Sunday busily getting skunked from shore Watched two guys slip in to where we were and take two out from under the docks. Didnt look that big but was cool to watch.
  14. Thanks for the report and pics. The Grand has a fantastic bass population, guard that location with your life. Also fished the Grand Sat----no piggies like some you boys caught-----but not bad. Gord
  15. Nice catch---like the looks of that "chrome"
  16. Was at Caledonia Tuesday----couple of pics as an example of how low the river really is http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f239/pac...Sept0407016.jpg http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f239/pac...Sept0407013.jpg
  17. My son has caught the "occasional" perch waaaay down here in Brantford. Up around Fergus/Bellwood there is a population of them----but I've never gone up that way to try for them. Nice pics
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