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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. That was a great vid!!! Are you just using a single hook?... because the thought of being attached to a mean- Pike by a treble hook while under the ice makes my butthole pucker severely!!!
  2. Like others have said, a labor intensive job... a dirty job. Is it the entire sill all the way around, or just a section? I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but there may also be hidden rot on your joist band as well if this was caused by some sort of leak. This didn't just happen overnight, your home inspector should have seen this when you bought the house.
  3. I got a booth job once! ... it cost me ten and twenty
  4. Sounds like a great day! Did you happen to get a tourney entry pic of that big Whitey for our team Pete? In case you missed it, you're on Team #1 The Slammers... we're currently in the lead! We meet here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;#entry316190 Drop in and say Hi!
  5. If you want to launch to find your leak, save yourself some time and fill your bilge with water. If it leaks in, it will also leak out in the same spot.
  6. That was way down near the Florida state line Sinker, about a 5 hour drive for me. It is a tragedy for the folks in that small town, and a terrible thing to happen anywhere.
  7. They're actually called "outriggers".
  8. I'm sorry to hear that Bernie, I consider all of my pets family members and it's just as hard to lose one of them as it is a person for me.
  9. Dam right Bubba!!!
  10. I keep hearing of board upgrades happening and was wondering if there'l be an upgrade to the photo gallery section? I think that most members would agree that if any section of the board needed upgrading it would be the gallery. I've pretty much declined to use the photo gallery because of all extra work to shrink pics and stuff. I'm not trying to insult the existing gallery, you do what you can... but it would be nice to see an upgraded gallery.
  11. You say that like it's a bad thing Daddy-O? ... I don't consider Saskatchewan a part of "New Michigan".. which is a real good thing!!!
  12. Not neccessarily!... money talks!!! ... and Bull walks!
  13. Try not to be so jealous! ... it doesn't become you.
  14. Since i'm not a local, I've been confided in on some very HOT spots! ... how much would you be willing to pay for an Autum trophy Walleye shore Coords? That's a size 14 mens running shoe there!!! I'm not cheap... but I can be had!!!
  15. BWAHAHAHA!!! ... got the munchies?... ya food Dumb Dawg???
  16. I think in your case it would be more fitting if the tape came out of the fishes butt-hole!!!
  17. Could you post a picture of the food?
  18. Sorry to say, it should be expected if you were subjecting to that type of duty. Minivans are not utility vehicles, they're car chasis and drivetrain with a van body on them. Not trying to dis you or your vehicle... just a fact.
  19. Instead of thinking "stranded"... think "quality time" at home with the fam Mr. Ugli!
  20. Yeah... she'd beat the crap out of me if she ever read the board!
  21. They work well!!! ... unless the wind is blowing against your drift pattern! btw... when is Miss Jessie gonna catch us some more nice fish to look at???
  22. I let Ol' Yeller touch my auger... but only after she has begged for it!
  23. Next time, use the 2 man Team method for drilling your holes... that way you have no one to blame but yourself if something breaks! ... or maybe you should've drilled his holes for him since he was a novice.
  24. Can we enter with just our board member name and not our email address?
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