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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. DO NOT!... I repeat... DO NOT listen to the wimmins!!!.. they know very little aboot color combinations!!!... most of them think purple and yellow are a hideous color combination!!!... little do they know!!! The red makes the blue stand out and the blue makes the red stand out... and both make the white look cleaner!!!... I leave it as is!!! That Spike is a "mess" eh!!!... feed him bacon (cooked) or Beggin' Strips and he'll be your buddy for life! Try casting an inline spinner in that lake... it's a multi species lure, never know what you're gonna haul in on one of those things!!! Great report and pics Holdie!!! Looking forward to your next one!!!
  2. The best way to transport any fish is to "field dress" them. A slit up the gut starting at the anal vent and going all the way to the chin, run your knife around each gill and the guts and gills will come out in one piece if done properly... this leaves the body of the fish intact with the head on... the fish will keep much better this way while in transport. Any CO that stops you to check your fish while in transport will definitely be impressed, minimizing and problems you might encounter.
  3. I'm a little unclear on the concept here... you're going fishing and you know you need a license??? Shouldn't it be in your possesion with your drivers and vessel operators licenses?... or do I just take my fishing too seriously? ... and what about an open container (alcohol) in the boat?
  4. Yeah those old Sears motors were cursed (and cussed). The Mighty Dodge! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M58VZPp1O4...feature=related
  5. When did you come to this stark realization?
  6. You should come deep sea bottom fishing with me sometime 'enry... I'd like to see how much spunk you had left in you after pulling a 30lb. Grouper up out of 200 FOW!!!... and that's just the warm up!... Then we'll move to the Amberjack hole!!! Did I mention the blistering sun???
  7. Where's the reports and pics Vic??? Dat's a nice Goldfish ya got there Goran!!! I've been thinking aboot trying a spot for them down here... not sure if I could ever dig myself outta the hole if I posted a report on the board aboot them though...
  8. Are y'all young'un still goin' on aboot this??? Isn't the internet a lot like TV or the radio?... if you see/hear something you don't like, turn the channel/page or turn it off!!! I've seen the 2 pics in question here, the one in the boat is perfectly acceptable in my opinion!!!... I sure that fish was released in a very timely manner! The one in the boathouse, maybe not so acceptable... but I'm sure both fish swam away happy to be alive, not that much worse off for wear and tear, and to make make many more baby fishes!!! The fishermen were proud of their catches and just wanted to share! If you're not too lazy or ignorant to read the entire regs... you'll see that it isn't illegal to take a pic of an OOS fish!
  9. Very nice report and pics!!!
  10. Excellent report and pics Paul!!! You do the camera thing very well!!! ... what kind of camera do you have? Poor ol' Kevin! ... he thinks the world of y'all... and y'all treat him like dirt!!! Great going on the fish catching and scarfin' Kevin!!!
  11. ............I better not....
  12. I guess the "learning curve" is a little "higher/wider" for some eh??? ... looks like a "craftsmanlike solution" to the problem!!!
  13. What are you waiting for "T"??? ... we aint getting any younger yanno!
  14. Is this not a perfect title to a thread?!!! Even Red Green would've told you to duct tape to your TM!!! ... don't worry, after you buy/fabricate a new one... you'll find the old one!!!
  15. I'm glad you announced that FM!!!
  16. A deep V CONSOLE could take that hit and keep on tickin'!!! ... a tiller would be "totaled"! *insert thumbs down emoticon here*
  17. Pee poor planning on your part doesn't qualify as a crisis on anyone elses agenda bubba!
  18. ... isn't "twitter" for school girls and g-a-y guys to follows their hunks with???... never been there, and don't wanna go!!! .. just what I've seen from the MSN homepage... kinda skeery really!!!
  19. Oh yeah!!!... the virgins and "once a year launchers" ( you know them, they launch in spring and dock the boat at the cottage all summer.. isn't that right Bernie? ) are out in full force!!! If you're a virgin, once a year launcher, or just plain inept BOZO.. please step to the back of the line so the folks that know what they're doing can get their boat in the water without having to wait/LTAO at you for being a dumb
  20. Yesterday I couldn't spell carpenter... now I are one!!! Where's Monique and the kids???... Monique would make a darn good supervisor and the kids should be laborers!!! ... and what aboot the fish???... I didn't see one damn fish in the reeport!!!... where's the food???... did y'all live off of beer??? (liquid diet?) You can do much better on the Jiggy Jiggy reports!!!.. I give this one a "C-"!!! ... always remember!.. Monique holding fish = A+!!!
  21. I was wondering why you sounded kinda cranky... until I read that part! Say no more! ... I'm serious... don't say another word!
  22. It's unethical for you to catch anymore fish of any kind this year Simon!... you're already too well in the tourney!!! The only thing I disagree with in Bass fishing, is sight fishing for them and pulling them off the bed when they're nesting... dumping them into the livewell and hauling them around the lake for a Bass Tournament weigh in! They don't all breed at the same time, so you can always catch some that aren't on the nest!
  23. Fill the bubble about half full with water you're fishing in (this will give you the weight you need for casting with a spinning rod)... use a light fluoro leader about 2' long... select a fly you think the fish might like to eat, cast and vary your retrieve. You may need to use a longer or heavier leader. Keep experimenting until you start catching fish! ... you'll want to consider floating tippet material for Dry Flies, fluoro sux for topwater.
  24. Yeah, the word prefer makes it a suggestion... the word prohibited would make it a rule!
  25. There's a rather large and unsightly truck driver on this board that swears by the Watermelson spoon.
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