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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Excellent/Epic reports and pics y'all!!! Looks like lots of good fish were caught and a most memorable time was had by all!!! I'm sure the evening at Roy's was most enjoyable, and those Mussels look delectable!!! I'm also glad to see that the Lovely Miss Barbara is looking as lovely as ever!!! Thanks for taking the time to post those fine reports John and Cliff!!!
  2. Have you solved this problem yet Rob?
  3. Real nice report and pics!!! Fell free to post more Pike porn like that any time you want!!!
  4. Excellent report and pics!!! Some very pretty fish too!!!
  5. Yah!... and the fish is pretty unsightly too!!! That's a real good sized Grinnel you got the Double L!!! Looks to be about the same size as my PB caught many years ago.
  6. Some real nice fish Tony!!! Looks like the Whitefish are headed for some hot oil eh!!!
  7. If you can't move to a safer area, you may want to consider taking up weight lifting and Kung Fu lessons.
  8. Great report and pics Mike!!! Good on Dan for putting you and Ryan on those very nice fish!!! Did you keep those fish to eat? It looks like you've read my sig in a couple of those pics, maybe you should show it to Ryan so he can read it too.
  9. Anyone that doesn't like Catfish... sux!!!
  10. Looks like y'all did pretty good considering the "Bluebird" skies and all!!! I liked the details in your report like the depth of water and lure type/colors!... very important stuff!!!
  11. Hey now!!!... I really like my birds! If you want to see a good fight, watch a male Mockingbird pick a fight with a male Killdeer and get his whooped!!! It really tickled me, first time I'd seen Mr. Mockbird lose a fight!!!
  12. Nice report and a beauty fish!!! I've heard others say that the fish were shut down today too! ... I looked at the Solunar tables and the bite is on a downward trend until about Thursday... it looked like a nice day to be out on the water up there though!
  13. Great report and pics Rob!!! Glad to see you got into some fish too!!! That feist dog looks like he's a handful!!!
  14. I've replaced a couple on my boat ( I use them a lot) and always found them at Wa-Mart, they should be right next to the bilge pumps and look very similar. The hardest thing about replacing one on my boat is getting to the darned thing! Trying to get both hands and arms in an 8" diameter hatch hole!!!
  15. That is a Redear Sunfish!
  16. Yeah, or you sucked up some debris into the impeller... you can take the 3 or 4 screws off the top and inspect the impeller for trash. They aren't very expensive, about $30 I think.. and not that hard to replace, they should sell them at Wal-Mart and Canadian Tire up there.
  17. Yeah... that's what we tell the dumb City Slickers around here too!
  18. You're mistaken Beans... look at the size of the pectoral and pelvic fins!
  19. Yeah, that's the way those ignorant Tennessee and Pennsyltucky hillbillies do it ... we 'Bama boys carry a piece of 80 grit emery cloth to "prime" the area! ... btw, don't drink the "shine" with the strawberries in it!!! The strawberries are only used in shine that has been fermented with hog or chicken manure... to hide the after taste, and is mainly sold or given away to "city slickers" that don't know any better!!! ... just thought you might wanna know that!
  20. It is indeed a Barn Swallow, I ID'ed it in my Audubon Bird book before posting it.. and posted it because it's a pretty good pic and to see who would take the time to ID it here. They're amazing little birds that spend more time in the air than almost any other bird! They winter in the tropics, some as far south as central Argentina and come to North America to nest and raise their young. They're very active and industrious! This a pic of the nest, I think it's either almost finished or finished: They take the mud from my vegetable garden in the mornings after I water it! They're kind of messy little buggars, but it's a small price to pay for the amount of bugs they'll eat! A couple minutes with the powerwasher will clean that up! I aggravate them a little by sitting at my picnic table so I can watch them fly around me.
  21. If you want a good fight out a small fish like that, use light tackle and take a bottle of Tobasco sauce with you in your pocket. if the fish doesn't give you a good fight don't take the hook out of his mouth, instead, roll it over on it's back and put 2 drops of Tabasco sauce on his butthole and put it back in the water a give him some line... then start reeling him back in... I guarantee you he'll fight like a 20 lber then!!!
  22. It's a very sad song that goes a little something like this Jacques... I think it was around the 25th of April, I had the bright idea that I should till up my front yard, reshape, and reseed it. I had just put my boat in the shop because the motor was screwing up on me and they told me it'd be a 2 week wait, I figured 2 weeks tops I can have the yard tilled, reshaped, and reseeded... then I can go fishing when the boat is fixed!!! (little did I know!!!) The first 3 days went well with warm temps and sunny skies! Then it started to rain... and rain... and rain some more. I worked on the yard when I could, the rain was kind of good at the beginning because it softened up the "rock hard" untilled ground... but made mush out of what had already been tilled. Time passes by and I'm working on the yard and the boat repair shop calls. It seems the idiots I payed a small fortune to last year to rebuild my carbs failed to vacuum synchronize them (the Tech said the factory paint wasn't cracked on the fitting to hook it up to the machine). He tells me it's $120 to do the job and I can pick it up that evening. I gave him the go ahead and picked it up that eve, 12 days after I dropped it off... and the yard is nowhere finished! The boat runs great now, I haven't had it out.. but I cranked it in the driveway. It has been exactly a month since I started the yard and I'm only half finished. I have it 90% tilled upbut can't shape it because of the rain and mud! It's a 9000 square foot area of mudhole! A couple of pics: I've had to recompact the dirt to keep the rain from turning it to mush and so the rain water will run off... which means I will have to retill it when it dries out so I can shape and seed it! The tilling will be easier this time though.... are you crying yet? ... but on a happier note. While I had the tiller running, I tilled up a small veggie garden on the side of the back yard. Just a small strip 4' wide by 56' long: 4 different types of tomatoes, 3 hills of Yellow Straightneck Squash (bush variety), 3 hills of Zucchini Squash (bush variety), 8 linear feer of Burpless Cucumbers, and 8 linear feet of Sweet Bell Peppers! ... btw?.. do you remember those Bird houses I got from you? Each house has a pair of Bluebirds nesting in it!... and since I hung them up, it's like I put up a huge flashing billboard that says welcome to BIRDVILLE!!! I now have a pair of Eastern Pheobes nesting on my downspout on the front of the house. The Barn Swallows are nesting on the back of my house! .. and if that isn't enough! I had a family of Killdeers move in when I started tilling the yard! A Momma, a Daddy, and a Baby. They follow behind the tiller and eat the fresh bugs and worms that're tilled up. They liked it here so much that they built a nest in my landscaping in the front yard! Do you see the speckled eggs? The rocks were tilled up out of the yard and I set them there to pick up later... now I won't move them until the eggs hatch. This is the Momma Killdeer. She was trying to lure me away from the nest when I took the pic, they don't like it much when I walk around... but aren't a bit afraid of me when I'm on the tractor and will come whithin 3 feet of me!
  23. I know it's a Pike, it just seems that whenever someone posts a pic of a Pike with the vertical or semi vertical markings... someone else always pipes up and says it might be a Musky... I thought I'd be the first one this time! Plus I wanted to harass Simon a little bit because I'm jealous as hell!!!
  24. That sounds like a wonderful evening Roy!!! All the folks that were in that house last night are very nice people!!!
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