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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... but you wouldn't want to feed that thing Rick (10mpg). A friend of mine had a rotary RX7, said he loved the performance... but hated the fuel consumption.
  2. Great video, put your hair in a ponytail and wear a hat. I hope everybody is safe and sound!
  3. ...
  4. That is a very good question Express 168, and I was wondering about that myself... maybe Specktacklure would care to elaborate?
  5. save the lawyer money and plead guilty with an explanation, you are guilty and you do have an explanation. I'd also take the medical papers from your sons treatment with you.
  6. It wouldn't hurt anything to check and change the lower unit dope, if it's milky... you have problems.
  7. I have a 50 h.p. 4 stroke bigfoot merc (4 carbs) and it idles/trolls between 3-3.8 mph, I have a trolling plate I'm going to install too.
  8. Tom and Grog... y'all say the sweetest things!
  9. Ya gotta love days like that! It makes all the poor days disappear, and the poor days make days like that even sweeter!
  10. I don't know that I'd be so worried about a dead fish stink on my lures, I'd be more concerned with a perfume/fragrance type smell... baking soda might not be a bad thing, but if it was me... I'd try something to maybe add a little something more to them, maybe a couple cloves of Garlic in the tackle box. I know you prolly think I'm crazy or pulling your leg, but fish really are attracted to garlic.
  11. I'd trade catching a dozen small fish for a boil like that!... You did good by getting out, and you're absolutely correct about not catching anything by sitting around the house. One good trip will pay for a dozen so-so trips, and sometimes you have those trips that will last a lifetime in your memories and give you the "braggin" rights!!!
  12. You poor, poor bastidge!... nicotine, caffiene, and alcohol are the things that help us cope with slowly killing ourselves > > > > > > > > >... with nicotine, caffiene, and alcohol!
  13. RAIN-X!
  14. The end of winter is just a week shy of 4 months away, or 15 weeks, or 105 days, or 2520 hours, or 151,200 minutes... it'll be here before ya know it!
  15. ???... aren't you always on vacation???
  16. Excellent report and pics Bill!!! Yanno the MNR could save themselves some $ if they'd downsize some of their trucks. Ya gotta love seeing those poachin' turds get a ticket... wonder if they shoulda checked the regs. first???
  17. Oh Yeah! You just gotta take some pictures of that!!! I'm dyin' to see the first ice fish of the year! You are waaaay on up there... aintcha?
  18. I ALWAYS like to fill my cooler before checking or asking about the regs, it sure is easier than throwing the over size, out of slot, and over the limit fish back! If after the fact I should find out that any fish are too big or if I have too many I fillet them and then cut them up into small pieces, that way if anybody checks them I tell them all the meat came from one giant fish.... as far as pollutants go, they aint killed me yet and add a nice Zing to the meat!
  19. Excellent pics Dan!... those are the best kind of deer pics to me.
  20. It looks like inflammation and infection has set in to me. I strongly recommend an intramuscular injection of 2 million units of Gentamyacin administered to the Gluteus Maximus!... ya nuckin' fut!
  21. Yes they move out to deeper water, I'd guess 30-70 deep.. as for what they're doin' down there... they're havin' a party!!! Drinkin' Zebra Mussel "Shine", smokin Hydrilla, talkin' trash to all the "babe" fishes, and laughin' at the guy fishin' in the shallows for them.
  22. I think I'm going to wait for the movie.
  23. There ya go Phil! That looks a little better, almost gives it a little "scale". How big was that little booger? Did you have a curly tail on that jig? I'm fixin' to head to the river in a few mins. for a little fishin' time, they aren't "pullin" water like they were last week, so I don't expect much... but ya never know 'til ya go! S'posed to be 72 here today with light wind.. may get off a couple "nudie" shots!!!
  24. I hear ya Phil!!!... still ain't figured out the self timer thing?... or skeered to touch Mr. Slimey?
  25. Excellent report and pics Snag! That's a darn fine Pike ya got there, and it's only fair for them to draw a little blood from us from time to time... we do it to them. As for the finger... you may want to consider "downsizing" to Perch or even Bluegill, they're fiesty... but not nearly the Bullies that the bigger fish are.
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