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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I voted console! I'm sure a tiller has some advantages... but I can't think of any. I prefer a console for the simple fact you can always see where you're going, using a tiller and taking off from a standstill.... give 'er gas and look straight forward, what do you see?... the front floor of the boat, the same with stopping... but that's just me! Art, that is called stick steering... you're playing with your boat's stick, pushing it back and forth, back and forth...
  2. It was actually this year '06... but last season.
  3. ...
  4. That is Awesome Joey!... I'll give ya $5 for the shirt right now! You done good, and I hope somebody can post the clip 'cause I doubt we'll get anything like that down here in Redneckville!
  5. Look up Bubba!
  6. My first was an old 14' tinny with a 15 hp Sears on the back, bought boat motor, and trailer for about $300 I think back around the mid 80's got the boat to the lake and launched it.. fired up the motor only to find out there was no forward gear , so I headed up river with the trolling motor until it started to get weak and then drift fished back down to the launch... the hull was painted with some kind of biege house paint to try and stop the leaks... didn't work... that was the "wettest" boat I ever owned, used to have to fire up the old 18 horse Johnson afriend lent me and pull the plug about every hour to get all the water drained out of it for another hour of fishin'. Sold that one and bought an '88 Lowe 16' new at the boat show, used it 'til I got married in '95 and sold it. Then bought my Tracker in '98 and that wife divorced me because of it... I got the better end of that deal! Not willing to part with this one yet (boat OR wife), but when I do.. I think it'll be for a Boston Whaler I can use on the lake and in the Gulf of Mexico, and the best part about that is... I think I can get this wife to pay for half of it!!! Glen
  7. OH NO!... don't tell me... you're just doin' this to get out of recarpeting "Hawg"3!... and after all that hard work I did documenting that for you! Congrats on the purchase Roger (you chose the best way out! ) I'm sure you're gonna love "Hawg"4, the layout looks almost spazackerly like my boat. Glen
  8. Ice fishing... hmmmmmm... makes my nipples hard just thinkin' about it! Do I hafta wear a shirt? Ok, now while TJSA and Aplumma are visualizing me without a shirt and with hard nipples... put me down for a $50 gift certificate from CT. Hopefully my personal crap storm will have died down by then and I'll be able to attend, but it's comin' down by the bucketfulls right now. Yer a good egg Mo, and if there's anythin' else I can do let me know. Glen
  9. Poor Ol' Ric, he prolly thinks the world of you.. and you treat him like ... dirt! 1 Small headed Pike + 1 fat body = 1 Well fed fish! I know exactly where those spots in those pics are, and I'll be down there tomorrow to Ravish your fishery! Did I mention? Another Great Report and pics!... and thanks for posting!
  10. Yep! We'll all be able to say we knew her way back when she used to scold suspended fish.
  11. With 149 pics totaling 18MB of space on a 1GB free account, I'm also at 1% of used space on Photobucket. It is so much quicker and easier to post pics here with Photobucket, just copy and paste the link you desire for each pick and viola!... there she is! I just use the bucket for storing pics I might want to post on the web. I use other methods for personal storage.
  12. Thanks Beans!... it's nice to know SOMEBODY cares!
  13. I remember those pics too, and they're just as cute now as they were then! Thanks for posting them again, are you gonna heel cut on by the Doc? It would prolly be much better and heal a lot quicker. I'm looking forward to some of your hardwater reports whenever the ice becomes safe. Glen
  14. Still got it here too... go to the bottom of the main page and choose the Christmas shin in the skin chooser.
  15. That's a good guide, it would be nice if everybody would adhere to it... hope everybody has a very safe, productive, and enjoyable ice fishin' season!
  16. ...
  17. ...
  18. Nice fish! If you have the self timer you can set the camera low and have a backdrop of sky, and we've all fished there before... under the sky. That is some good photoshop work though.
  19. Yeah... I was gonna say that Whitefish looks a little "solid".
  20. Hey Fishinguy 28, what kind of fish would you call that in the bottom pic?
  21. Excellent report and pics!!! Those pics make it look like it's a tad on the chilly side up there?... and it doesn't look like you've got enough clothes on to me, if that was me up there... I'd look like the Michelin Man trimmed in Coyote fur!
  22. Yup! Been swimmin' since I was a tadpole! I prefer the ocean for swimmin' though.
  23. I find I have "Those moments" the older I get... but I do remember that fish, I caught it and let you have your pic taken with it.
  24. Dat dere izza good ones!
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