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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. WoooHoooo! what a night!!! Excellent report and pics!!! I don't care where you were fishin', I want to know what you were usin'??? I see what looks like a perch swimbait in one pic and maybe a pink and white HJ or X-Rap in another? If you don't feel comfortable saying on the board... I understand. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to both of y'all!!!
  2. You done good Chief!!!... usually when somebody tells me they caught a big Catfish aound here and shows me a pic, I ask them if they caught it on a rod and reel... they say no, I caught it on a trotline, jug or limb line. Any knuclehead can catch them that way.
  3. Huh!... you should be so lucky!...eh? I thought we were playin' "Tag"... If yer skeered... say yer skeered! ...
  4. Why do I still see you naked?... it's my little "treat" to the world! I would use a net if I could carry one easily... if it was easy, we'd have women and children fishin' for Musky! Why don't you wear clothes?... why don't you wear a body condominium when you fish for Salmon?... instead of sitting by the phone at home... hoping they'll call.
  5. Sorry to say but Tom Manns fish World is no longer. I fish the AGC tourney down there every April and it has been closed for several years... but do stop in at Lakepoint state park and rent a boat to do a little fishin', even if ya don't catch anything... the wild Alligators are awesome to see!... did I mention that you'll be in a 12 foot tinny and there are 16 foot Alligators there?... not to worry though, they're harmless
  6. I still want the pie tastin' job!
  7. 2 words.................... bring it!
  8. Excellent Catfish Chief! Did you take them on a rod and reel, troutline, jugs, or set lines (limb lines)?
  9. Did you happen to notice where those lures came from?... and did the guy you spoke with have a Southern accent?
  10. I've found that the weather is far more important than that danged ol' solunar chart! Normal or slowly falling barometer, a warming trend in the cooler months, and winds from North to South on the West side of the scale... partly to mostly cloudy usually helps too. I'm sure the moon phases add or subtract from it as well. "IF" you can ever catch the right moon phase AND weather at the same time, you'll prolly load the boat. Wrong moon phase and right weather, you're still gonna catch fish. Right moon phase and wrong weather... you can try, but don't expect much. Wrong moon phase and weather... ya better hope it's a nice day for getting a tan!
  11. Ya got anything easier than that?.... Like maybe tasting pies in a nice warm kitchen?
  12. WoooHoooo!!! Bill! That is one Killer Wall-Ice Bubba! You done good!Great pics too!
  13. You did the right thing Bubba, after all... it's just a fish! I'd have done the same.
  14. That's my Buddy!!!
  15. DAMN THOSE SUSPENDED FISH!!! It looks like y'all had a great time Joey, and I wish I could've been there. Those are some great pics, made me feel lke I was there while I was reading it. Thanks a bunch for posting and better luck next time.
  16. HA! I knew something was awry when the other post came out, and it looks like they did the same thing... I said looks. It ain't a big deal to me, I've got a buddy that tries to pull that crap all the time... he'll see somebody with a nice fish and run over there and ask if he can hold it or he'll just stand next to it and have his pic taken. Then he'll wait for 3 or 4 years and pull out the pic and try to tell me he caught that fish, then I'll tell him he's a damn liar because I was there when the pic was taken... then he'll get a sheepish look on his face and tell me I aint s'posed to remember that. It aint the first nor the last time it will ever be done... but now your credebility on all your previous fish pics is shot! ... you ought to be ashamed of yourself for posing with Sleded's fish like that.
  17. Right now I'm plannin' on bein' up there that week, so any night would prolly be ok for right now... will have to evaluate as the time draws nearer.
  18. Everything CH said plus I always like to do the drift boats as well, 4 hr. trips with bait and tackle included fo less than $50.
  19. Great report,fish and pics!!!
  20. Excellent Walleye and report!!!... and I'm sure there are much uglier mugs on this board than yours, if you're shy... just hold the fish up in front of your face like joonmoon does when he's the "unknown" angler.
  21. Great pics for a great season!!!
  22. Happy Birthday Lew and Ned!!! may y'all have many more!
  23. I'm sure that program will work real well...but would prolly be quicker and easier to use the "bucket"... not to mention the space given to each post is kinda small, 3 or 4 decent pics and that's about it... with the "bucket" you can plaster them all over the place if ya want!
  24. Great report and pics!!! Was this at Lake X? or another lake?
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