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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

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  2. The first fish I can remember catching all by myself was an itty bitty little Sunfish when I was about 5 yrs old on a little cane pole with a cork and worm. My parents used to load me up into the stroller when I was a baby and take me fishin' with them on the pier... so I've been fishin' my whole life.
  3. Excellent report and pics!!! Dem is some real nice Wall-ice!
  4. The 100 million people were the unfortunates I was talking about Dan, and I do hate it for them.. but there's not anything I can do about their plight. Mother Nature has a way of "thinning the heards", it is a cruel fact of life... but inevitable. Talladega is abot 250 mi. from the Gulf of Mexico and at an elevation of about 500 ft. above sea level we wouldn't really be oceanfront, but it would be alot closer.
  5. I hate it for the unfortunates, but oceanfront property here in Birmingham really wouldn't hurt my feelings.
  6. At an echange rate of .858922 to 1... would be 6.87 lbs. American?
  7. I LOVE those little guys!!!.... especially the little Rock Hopper ones! What the heck are you talkin' about??? is that some kind of Paris talk or somethin'???
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  10. Oooooooooooooo WOW!!! A frozen wasteland!!! I love that ice fishin' stuff!... and I was s'posed to be in Canada all this week and there was s'posed to be safe ice for me to fish on... but struck out on both accounts (hanging head and weeping in self pity). Oh well, there's always the Nip trip to look forward to.... and it'll prolly be colder'n a Witches boobie this comin' June (with my luck)... maybe even still some safe ice around.
  11. Excuse me, but.... coldbeer is one word!
  12. Just because you have socialized Health Care, it doesn't mean you have to go to the doctor when you're sick eh? Like someone else mentioned you may have chronic bronchitis or worse Mycoplasma Pnuemonia (walking Pnuemonia) which is a very hard bug to kill! I had it last year. Over the counter cough remedies are little more than water and home remedies are less than that. Go to the doctor! 2 shots in the butt, an antibiotic, a decongestant, and a narcotic cough medicine should fix you up... if you don't feel alot better in 3 to 5 days , go back to the doctor!!! It's common sense, you're not much use to anyone sick, and the longer you let it drag on the harder it will be to cure it.
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  14. I work at the Zoo, circumcising Elephants for a living. The pay isn't that great... but the tips are HUGE!
  15. It's only overspending if you can't afford it. I buy both fresh and saltwater tackle, and it's about the only vice I have left. It is very expensive, but I can afford it... and if anybody says anything about it... I bash their nads in with my TunaStik!!!
  16. ...
  17. Yeah..... but if she's got cold hands....
  18. Looks good to me! I think Christmas tree tinsel would work pretty good too.
  19. Not on yer life!... things is small enough already!!!
  20. Why not???... you did Tom!
  21. Sounds like it's time to load the boat up and go fishin' to me!!!
  22. LOL!!! Yer killin' me Wayne!!!
  23. It's a google ad and has nothing to do with this site... you need to click on it as many times as possible because when you do the people that have that site have to pay for every click.
  24. Is that your bait bucket, or the keeper bin??? Nice report... thanks for posting!
  25. That is one hechuva fish Snady! Is it a fiberglass replica or skin mount?... looks like Dax has got the growin' puppy thing goin' on too!
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