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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Well it's about time! I got rid of the crack and put up my Christmas avatar
  2. A pretty nice Striper from early spring: A couple nice Grouper: A couple nice Red Snapper The Blue Cat: Flathead Cat #1: Flathead #2
  3. Dang Coonasses!, gotta make a soup out of everythin'! How many times I got to tell ya? Fish is for fryin'!!! If'n ya wanna make a good soup, the first thing ya gotta do is catch ya nice big fat 'possum... then ya put him inna cage and feed him nothin' but apples for a week.............
  4. LEW!!!!! Are y'all sure you want to see mine up close and personal?
  5. I was stolen at birth by a band of wandering Gypsies, move from pillar to post for the first 21 yrs. then landed here in north/central Alabammy... there's a little race car track about 10 miles from my house called the Talladega Super Speedway... ever heard of it?
  6. ...
  7. QUOTE(Greencoachdog @ Dec 4 2006, 09:58 PM) B _ _ _ _ _ B ? YUP! It'sa ... BACK RUB!!!
  8. The low here was 24*F yesterday and it's 22*F this morning, as for the shirt... everything I own i got on! BTW... I really like your new Signature Don!
  9. The 'cudas should love your xrap!
  10. I thought you lived in the Banana belt Lew? Wouldn't used winter tires be like regular tires?
  11. B _ _ _ _ _ B ?
  12. Great job on your first pic post attempt, and great lookin' "Shak"
  13. Very cute... Canadian rednecks
  14. Dunno about the trout fishin', but if you hear Banjo music or pig squeelin'... RUN!!!... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!
  15. Alright!!! This is the kinda info I can use!... now we're getting into the top secret stuff!!!
  16. Green stuff looks like shallows to me... but what the hell is all that white sheyit on the ground around the lake???
  17. I know how ya feel Maureen, I've had umpteen friggin dental appointments since Lakair and Last Tuesdays was the most painful by far. On Oct. 10th I came home to find my 14 year old Chocolate Lab had passed away sometime during the day while I was at work. But the worst thing happened yesterday when my wife witnessed our 6 mo. old Border Collie getting hit by some excellent person in a van that didn't even stop. I was at Home Depot buying some caulking for the house and she had to pick the pup up and rush her to the emergency clinic 25 mi. away, as of 5:00 p.m. last night it looks like the pup will survive (I'm praying she will)... but with the vet bill for emergency treatment and the pups condition... I doubt I'll be able to come up to Canada for Christmas.
  18. Hey douG, check out this link http://www.jetnet.ab.ca/bigfish/ I know it's prolly not exactly what you're looking for but Cold lake is an exceptional Lake Trout fisherie, and Ian McKenzie is a great guy and charter captain and knows how to party too! Cold Lake is a very nice little town with some nice lodging and dining choices. If you mention my name he may give you a discount... or double the rate.
  19. That looks like a very nice fish for the pan!... but you don't look that thrilled about it in the pic, are you working on your "Lew" game face?
  20. Well y'all just keep that disgusting stuff to yourselves Lew!!! If so much as one flake of that stuff finds it's way down here... I'm holding all y'all Canadians personally responsible!!!
  21. I'd try a floater suit/and or real good PFD for sure, as for the fish... I'd say something big, slow and realistic looking. Let somebody close to you know where you're going and what time you'll be back. Good Luck!!!
  22. Ya gotta love the colors on those Browns! Beautiful fish!
  23. Snowblowers, Wormblowers, Leafblowers! What is this site coming to???
  24. Since I bought my 4 stroke, I'll never consider any type of 2 stroke... but that's just my opinion.
  25. ...
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