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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I don't think my sunglasses get that dark Wayne!!!
  2. Dammit man!!! Was really looking forward to seeing you and Amy again! Please take care of yourself and Get Well Soon!!!...and I'm looking forward to seeing y'all next year!
  3. ... and that my friends is why clothing was invented!!! Great report... very Skeery pics!!!
  4. Je ne sais quoi?... isn't that a women depillatory? Yer right there Joe... 'cept about 4 states further South!!! You got that sheeeeee-it right!!!
  5. That is a great pic Pam!!!! I really like the lines in tht one!
  6. I didn't know johnny Depp enjoyed Pike fishin' in Canada?
  7. Sauger are called Jack Sal-mon around here.. ignorant rednecks!
  8. Tie one end directly to the hook and the other directly to a swivel and you've got it dikked!!!
  9. ...
  10. ...
  11. I'll give ya 50 bux for the Grey Goose right now Joe... but don't ponder on it too long, tomorrows price is $45...
  12. 15 mins. eh?... doesn't sound like much of a ride to me...you got devices... or what???
  13. Mine hasn't been worth a crap!!!
  14. what the hell??????... Roy actually went fishin'? Dore Noir??? isn't that a womens bikini area hair remover? ... and as for that last sentance Mike.. Roy prolly has blisters all over his little skin from that BURN!!!! Excellent Report and pics Roy... I didn't know that you ever really actually FISHED!!!
  15. Excellent report and pics Phil!!! ... but it's all in the camera angle folks!... arms fully extended, camera up real close=makes that 23 incher look like a trophy!!! ... just razzin' ya 'cause I'm jealous as hell Bubba! Those are all beautiful fish and that last pike is the Killer Pike from HELL!!!!!
  16. Great report and pics Photoz!!! The best way to consistantly hook Carp is to tie on a 3/o circle hook, bait up with your favorite, tighten drag all the way down, cast, prop rod up, go back to the car for something you forgot, return and wonder where in the hell your rod and reel went!
  17. Yeah, It's alot different when you can fish every day than opposed to just being able to get out 4 or 5 days a month.
  18. Great report and pics Phil!!!... more fish porn please!
  19. ...
  20. Great report and pics Mike!!! That's a killer RB yer boy has got there!!! Ya gotta love it when the young'uns wanna go fishin', I think it builds character in young people and they're less likely to get into mischief.
  21. Great report and pics Cliff! That's a nice Rock Bass and a Dandy fine Carp!!! Have y'all tried eating the Rock Bass yet?.. we call them Goggle Eyes down here.
  22. I can do that!... what is a Back Bacon??? Oh!... and if ya grill some Hot Dogs, let those drippings go into the lake! You'll have hoards of Catfish circling your boat in no time!!! May be good for some Tourney points.
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