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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Dammit man!!! I'm gonna freeze to death up there!!!... AGAIN!!! I don't care though... this time I'm takin' off my shirt!!! HEY TOM!!!... LOOKIT THIS!!!
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  3. Would just like to add I'll be doing the American plan and using the restaurant facilities
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  5. Nice 10th post there Bubba... whatta Newb!
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  8. what the hell???... no fish porn???... I FEEL CHEATED!!!!!!!!!!
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  10. From one fellow nudist to another.. Great report and pics!!!
  11. Go get'em Pete!!! The Best of Luck to ya!!! I'll be lookin' for that report too!
  12. I was goin' to bring a pair of "fuzzy" handcuffs to use one him anyway, jus' looks like we gotta use'm sooner than planned...
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  15. Great report and so-so pics SMA!!! L M A O Verno!!! I just gave you the same punishment I get when I do the nude fishin' thing, and I reckon I'll be gettin' some here in the near future!
  16. Nice 12lf post Nate, how about posting a few reports of your own so we can criticize you for things we don't like that you do? If ya can't say somethin' nice...
  17. I'll adopt all of your Jailbird Believers if ya need to find a good home for them Lew!
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  19. I've caught dozens of those!!!
  20. I may be old fashioned, but may i suggest a block and tackle? The others are correct though, saw a program on Rock Hopper Penguins a while back. it's hard to believe those little fat boogers don't go splatt!!! when they jump from some of those places.
  21. .. and if all that was posted more than 5 minutes ago, it's "old hat" by now! ( I knew all that crap anyway!)
  22. Can't help ya none here.. but with a name like "Big Red" you can't go wrong!!!
  23. Twin MOPARS, a fridge with beer, and a ships head!!!.. life don't get much better than that!!!... unless somebody gave ya the boat for free because they felt sorry for ya 'cause ya got's a "nanorod" thinggy!
  24. Lots to drink and real bored eh?
  25. Hell!!! That could turn you off of vision!!!... I've got 2 red hot pokers here and I'm tryin' to think of a good reason NOT to go thru with it!!!
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