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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Throw in a two-four and that could be a sport in the Redneck Olympics!!! Yellow Jackets and Guinea Wasps will not be tolerated around my house, those little sots hurt!!! I like the Wasp and Hornet spray that kills on contact! Mud Daubers, Honey Bees, and Red wasps don't bother me and I don't bother them.... but Ol' Yeller beats them all to a mushy pulp with a fly swatter and lets God sort them out.
  2. Great pics!!!... more or Les...
  3. Great report and pics!!! Looks like a good day of Crapin'!
  4. Don't worry, it's just Daplumma screwin' around with things... tryin' to get his ol' dilapidated piece of crap computer to sign in to this site.
  5. Excellent report and pics Lew!!! No wonder it was unbearably hot... lookit all those clothes you have on!!!... You'd think it was November up there instead of August!
  6. That's right!... When you're using a spinning rod with the eyes UP you're pulling against it the opposite way it was meant to bend... but a spincasting rod is built the same as baitcasting rods, so you should be ok if it is a spincasting rod and not a spinning rod.
  7. I told you to stay off those porn sites B.iatch!!!
  8. Well if I was a Bass, I'd be lookin' for some nice Hydrilla.. rolled tightly... but not too tight... and a cute little female Bass with BIG roe sacks!!!
  9. That's some beautiful water there Dan... just beggin' for a Roostertail to be thrown into it!!! Great pics!!!
  10. Yeah right! ... and where am I goin' to be from with this accent?... Yemen???
  11. Somebody ban this imposter!!!... There's no pics, and I'll bet he was even wearing a shirt!
  12. ... and just when is this report going to happen???
  13. what the hell you talkin' 'bout Dude??? This isn't some of that non-fishin' race car drivel crap... is it????
  14. That's pretty good Cliff! I don't know how durable the foam will be if the water gets choppy... but until then, you've got it made! Another good method for stabilizers is 6" schedule 40 PVC pipe capped on both ends.
  15. Go ahead and "yuck it up" Brian!!! ... but both of these cats were caught on 2 inch live Shiners!
  16. Down here in Redneckville it's usually Vienna (we say Vi-eeee-na) Sausage can full and it's about 20... and I'm with the others, if someone counts me out 12 minners for a dozen... I'll go elsewhere!
  17. SHEEEEE-YIIIIIIT!!! .......YOU?????? Just kiddin' Bubba!... Congratulations!!! .. and here's to (tipping glass) Admiral!!!
  18. Spray some Raid up yer butt Bubba!!!... it might kill that bug! I'm not going to lie, I turn mine back into the lake if I don't find someone to give them to... it gives the Crappie something to do when I'm not around I use minnows for Crappie and Catfish, and would use them for Wall-ice... if I could get Kevin to stock them in June A 6 hook Sabiki Rig loaded with live minnows (in the U.S... 4 hooks in Canuckia) is D-E-A-D-L-Y!!!
  19. I would like to be sedated as well!!!
  20. Hey Mike! You'll have a BLAST using that finder!!!... That's my old one, I've got the new and improved C4 model now. Hope ya have a great time on vacation. We'll be lookin' forward to your report!
  21. Hype!
  22. My favorite line is: "Hey Baby! Yer face reminds me of a wrench...'cause every time I look at it my nuts tighten up!"
  23. Please make a video of these antics the next time you go out, and post it on youtube for us! 1. The recommended lure weight should be stamped on your rod near the handle, try not to excede it. 2. Try using live night crawlers for bait, catfish love them and they're a good multi species bait. You may also want to consider canned corn as well, catfish and carp like it.
  24. Atta boy Mike!!!... don't let them skeer ya, so's ya run an' hide like some of them NW Ont. boys do!!! They've all got little "lures" anyway... unlike us Redneck/Coonass Americans eh!!! I'm sure you can handle anything they got... plus some eh??? ... but we'll see what you can really handle at Lakair next year!
  25. Great report and pics!!!... you made my sticker peck out when you mentioned Slopmaster!
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