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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Great report and pics!!! I'd say that 3 lber looks closer to 12-6!
  2. That was a good one!!!
  3. 1. Tournament Idiots 2.Jetskiers 3. Waterskiers 4. Wind blowin' too hard 5. No wind at all 6.Launch ramp idiots
  4. If I remember correctly... there weren't that many Walleyes of any size for you on the West Arm either!!! btw... glad to see you're feeling well enough to "try" to insult me... was gettin' worried about ya there for awhile.
  5. Oh Gawd!!! I hope Daplumma doesn't see this one!... the next thing yanno, it'll be a barrage of his "recipes"... he's a real Suzy Homemaker kinda guy yanno.
  6. Yeah Yeah... I know, blame it on the Redneck!
  7. The story of my life.
  8. Somebody buy that poor feller a fillet knife!!!... or are the knife and axe kept around for people that complain about their bill at the end of their stay?
  9. An inline spinner, called a Roostertail... I've caught just about everything under the sun with it!
  10. Congratulations you too!!! That's a beautiful boat!... and that Steve guy is a pretty good egg
  11. Good Mornin' Mo! I'll be workin 6 days this week, so it's not quite hump day for me... and no fishin' either! Oh well, I'll get to catch up some day!
  12. Ahhh! The Epic report I'd been waiting for!!! Man! You really slayed the fish on that trip Eh! Despite some adverse weather conditions as well! It looks like the Ol' Timers will have some stories to exhaust themselves with until next time. That dining menu made me drool and I think I gained 10lbs. just reading it! As for the unfortunate event at checkout time, shame on you for not asking for a price quote... and double shame on Tracey for not telling you. Some seasonal operators are unscrupulous like that, especially when their seasons are so short as I'm sure theirs is. Next time try arriving between 12:30 and 1:00 am to maximize your time on the "daily rate"! Thanks for taking the time to share such a wonderful trip with us!!! Most Excellent report and pics!!!!
  13. ...
  14. Plastics! ..C4 to be exact... might as well go out with a BANG!!! btw... sounds like Tewrry wants to go out with a bang too.
  15. ...
  16. Ya gotta love a Mommy protecting her babies!!!
  17. Let's see... .97x3.8=$368.6 per U.S gallon, and we're still at $2.89 down here in Redneckville... still kinda pricey if ya ax me
  18. L M A O Connie!!! He's buildin' us up for the "BIG" one!!!
  19. ...
  20. stifle Phil... yer just jealous because you didn't think of it first.
  21. That's ok Bubba doug! Take as long as you want Alot of these non/seldom/infrequent/one pic wonder posters don't realize how much time and effort goes into posting an "Epic" report like I know you're preparing. I for one will wait patiently whilst you work your magic, just give a holler when she's ready.
  22. I'd say you're about 95 lbs. and in desparate need of a tan... as for the fishie, 2.5 lbs (they just look bigger when somebody skinny holds them)
  23. I believe alot was lost in the Franch to English translation.
  24. Yeah! The first time I heard that one I was too young to laugh... so I rolled over and pooped to show my appreciation!
  25. Well of all the lowlife....!!! I would never dream of doing anything so vile!!!
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