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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ...
  2. ... but what we all want to know is the answer to the $64 question... Have you caught any fish on Temagami with the new boat?"
  3. All of the above and lipless vibrating crankbaits like the Rat-L-Trap... a Chatterbait would be a good choice too.
  4. Whew! I'm glad your arms aren't any longer!... just kiddin'! Nice fish and pic!
  5. I know you're kickin' yourself right now for not buyin' a Merc...
  6. Great report and pics Rich!
  7. Both Chris (Muskiestudd) and I had both our licenses and fish checked on Nip that week! He was a nice guy and friendly, was good to see him out and made me feel like I hadn't purchased my license in vain.
  8. So the fish weren't biting that good that day? Cigarette butts make excellent Flies and topwater baits! Save all the ones you pick up during the summer, and on those long cold Canadian winter nights..........
  9. I don't think so... you only have less manuverability because you choose to, if you are under power by an internal combustion engine and a sailboat is only under power by wind... you best give way! How many fishing lines you have out is irrelevant. ... and I suppose a barge and tug or a freighter should give way to you too... because you are fishing.
  10. That's a beautiful boat Shelly, and should serve you and Chuck well. W'ell be expecting a barrage of reports and pics now!
  11. Welcome to the board Carpe Diem! Not everybody minds if you ask if they've caught anything (some folks are just cranky). When inquiring, be friendly and smile. If then person you ask just grunts no or looks at you like you have Lobsters crawling out of your ears (the cranky ones), tell them you hope they catch a big one and move on. If on the other hand the Angler seems friendly, go ahead and chat for a few minutes and ask questions (it's one of the best ways to learn about a body of water). Keep reading the board and asking questions, you will learn alot here (I know I have), and you may be able to hook up with somebody for a trip or two. Good Luck!, and I hope ya catch a big'un!
  12. Go ahead and "lip" one Phil! Those look like some very respectable Lakers Pete!... but what are those other 2 fish?... some kind of Fancy Carp?
  13. I believe it is Maratime law that sailboats ALWAYS have the right of way!
  14. Happy Birthday ya ol' fart!!!.. Hope ya have many more!
  15. Welcome back Tom, was good to see ya back in chat last night!
  16. Mornin' y'all!
  17. Where's Fishdawgs Brown from a few weeks ago???
  18. any specifics Mike?
  19. I believe the angler has the fish beat by a mile!
  20. Does this car make my butt look big?
  21. Yeah!... What Bernie said! You may want to try a 10W40 oil in the summer...if that doesn't work, try an 89 or 93 octane gasoline... ... if that doesn't work... yer sooooo screwed!
  22. L M A O!!!!! I've heard that one before, but it's been a long time and it wasn't phrased quite like that... good one!!!
  23. Put a Hemi in it Dude!!!
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