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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Great report, pics, and vid Bubba!!!... now go back to work slackard!
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  3. OMG!!! What an ugly SOS that one is!!!.. and the fish is pretty skeery too!
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  6. Yer not s'posed to be handlin the dried up "Brown Trout" Joe!!!... I know it smells like money to you, but it smells like sheeee-yiiiit to the rest of us. Too bad they've been polluting that land for longer than that...
  7. You must make sacrifices to the Fishin' Gods!!!... Lures!!! not those little nickel and dime curly tail jigs either, we're talkin' big stick baits and big spinnerbaits... expensive stuff. You may want to toss a $400 rod and reel into the drink... maybe a couple of your toes......... yer left nad.....
  8. Great report and pics!!! Glad to see you two got out and got a fish! A watermelon spoon eh? I'd have never have guessed that. I've got a 20 yr. old red faced Senator just like the one in the pic.
  9. Good report and pics! A Lindy glove probably would've prevented that cut.
  10. Very nice Tiny Mooth Bass!!!
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  13. Maybe if Verne Troyer ever visits, you could get him to hold some fish up for the camera!
  14. ogden nash i believe...
  15. If my wife could do that... I'd never leave the house!!!
  16. Idunno about on the way, but I would definitely make it up to Cold Lake if I was you... they have the fattest Lake Trout there!!!
  17. Happy Birthday Ol' Timer! I took a Viagra once, it got stuck in my throat and I had a stiff neck for 6 hrs.!
  18. Sheee-yiiiit!!! I've always loved that answer!!!
  19. Hey Mike!... if the hat fits... wear it!!!
  20. There's one up there for Moose Horn Lodge right now... Gerritt and Cliff... y'all are wierd!
  21. I've just recently heard that Lunds are for Losers!!!.. saw it on the board somewhere..
  22. Great report and pics!!! Looks like the fish got a little bigger when you took yer shirt off.
  23. That looks like a great boat Fat Boy!!! You oughtta be able to really slay the Perch and Gobies in that thing!... and if you're real nice to me... I'll teach ya how to catch Wall-ice in it next year at Lakair!
  24. Love the pic of Abby wearin' the hat!
  25. DAMMIT MAN!!!... I hate it when the big one gets away!
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