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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Makes me love my Motorguide even more!
  2. You can probably get that bracket at the Home Depot, take the broken one with you when you go. If they don't have it, any overhead door supplier/installer will have it.
  3. Like Rick said, you have longer than you think for survival. I'd hate to know that I lived somewhere that they didn't have a rescue helicopter for emergencies such as this. You don't want to walk, stay put! Huddle together for body warmth. Turn on your strobes and rescue beacons! Even a small chance is better than no chance at all!!! Learn survival tactics if you're going to be foolish enough to be out on thin ice. Watch the Sticky at the top of the main page, you might learn something!
  4. With the proper survial equipment tucked inside of your suit, you have a helluva lot better chance of being found alive. I think a cellphone in a zip loc bag, a strobe, and an emergency beacon would save a lot of lives in a situation like this. BE PREPARED!!!
  5. Looks like Fat Boy in the first pic has already eaten one or two of those Goliath Groupers.
  6. I'll be taking the boat out Monday or Tuesday, or both. You can meet me at the launch.
  7. Kinda like shooting a trophy buck at a corn feeder... not very sporting, but at least they were honest about it.
  8. That one's already been posted here a while back.
  9. Dang! They're proud of them things @ $1.75 ea. I'd get pretty POd the first time a little hammer handle decided to take one away from me.
  10. Wedding tackle=fishing tackle=short pole fishin!... the sport where you hope you DON'T catch anything!!!
  11. Yup Mike, everybody is catchin' fish thru the ice.. even the women!
  12. It sounds kinda like him... minus the humor.
  13. Excellent fish!!! Ya see Brian, there's other fish in the water besides those danged ol' Green Trout and Tiny Moothed Bass!
  14. HOLY CRAP!!!... er I mean CARP!!! Y'all must've had to extrude that sucker to get it thru that hole! Unbelieveable!!! I was just a teensy bit disappointed when I saw what it was, because I just knew you had caught a monster Pike. .. but that quickly passed. If taxidermy wasn't so expensive, I'd say have that thing mounted with that itty bitty ice rod and reel above it. Landing a brute like that on such small equipment is something to really be proud of!
  15. I heard that the fine for not having a license is actually less than the license itself... so I woudn't really worry about it.
  16. How about a throwable PFD cushion? Good for sitting on and you may be able to save somebody elses life with it.
  17. FISH FRY!!! Great report and pics!!! Thanks for posting!
  18. Thats great Rick!!! Poor Feller, he looks soooo stoned in the middle pic. I'm sure he'll make a full recovery!
  19. Happy New Year to all y'all!!!
  20. Great report and pics!!! ya ol' Phart! Very nice lookin fish, real clean!
  21. I've been looking for a 10,000 watt model, 2 or 3 slow passes over the Crappie hole and they'll float to the top already microwaved! Just lift the skin off, salt and pepper to taste, and enjoy!!! Actually, all sonars will spook fish in shallow water. You will do better if you KNOW fish are holding in a certain to turn off all of your electronics and fish the area quietly.
  22. Mine is to be a kinder gentler GCD in 2008.
  23. Yup! the HBs come with or without the transducer and free shipping in the U.S.
  24. You may want to give these some consideration: http://humminbird.factoryoutletstore.com/c...4042&chid=1 Lowrance Lowrance Lowrance I don't see anybody on this board catching more fish with their Lowrance ubits than I do with my Humminbird. You get a much bigger bang for the buck with 4000 watts with a Humminbird as opposed to the 2400 watt Lowrance for about the same price. I'm personally lookin' at the 747c
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