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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. That does not look good for Lew's Banana crop this winter!!! I hope everybody stays safe and makes it thru that thing ok. I believe I'd rather face Hurricane remenants than that!
  2. You can't please all the people all the time! I've noticed some people whizzin' and moaning because they've reduced the creel limit from 6 Walleye to 4 in some areas... to me that is just plain greed! If it was up to some people, there wouldn't be any creel or size limits and they would take until there wasn't anymore to take... the sit around and cry about there not being any fish left and blame it on everything and everybody except them selves. Just like the commercial have done in some areas. Smaller creel and better length and slot limits, combined with closed seasons will do more for a fishery than alot of people can imagine. The system isn't perfect, but it's a good start.
  3. I don't think Carp could be any worse than, let's say... Perogies (SP?)
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  7. Scotch tastes like somebody scorched the sourmash when they were trying to make corn whiskey to me... but what do you expect from a Redneck.
  8. The Gulf of Mexico moisture that is fueling that storm is our "payback" to y'all for letting that cold air creep down here!!! Our high is only gonna be +6C tomorrow... y'all are screwin' up my fishin'!!!
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  10. I'm not here to learn!!!
  11. ... said the boy known as Pixel Parker!
  12. HA! I knew Cliff and Carole were up to no good!!! They call it "Nipper Tipping"... but it's not racially motivated.... riiiiiight. Y'all need to swarm City Hall at the next town meeting and voice your concerns! Isn't there a Canadian law that prevents anybody from interfering with somebody participating in either fishing or hunting? If they should happen to be able to do that in a town I lived in, I would move to another town... or drive to someplace else to fish! (Not likely it would happen here though, can you imagine a swarm of Alabama Redneck Fishermen?... why the stench alone would be enough to.....)
  13. My goodness that sounds nasty! It's going to be XX*F (censored) here to day! Would 25 cm be anywhere near 9 13/16 inches? Or is it closer to 2.5 decimeters?.. but I know it's not even close to 250 mm. My head hurts!!!
  14. I gotta stay away from those boat shows, they always end up costing me 1000s of $.
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  16. Does anybody really care if Pro athletes pump themselves up with steroids? I think they should legalize it, it certainly adds to the game.
  17. Excellent report and pics!!!... as usual! I hope those are female fish because they are waaaay to "pretty" to be males. I think the Browns are a tad more photogenic, but they're all beautiful! Gotta get me some of them Salmonoids one of these days. You're definately hard core to fish in that weather! Thanks for taking the time to post another marvelous report!!!
  18. Is that white stuff on the ground some kind of volcanic ash or something?
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  21. That is an amazing vid and I watch it every year! That guy is crazy!
  22. Ice fishin'??? ... but wouldn't that be like freezin' cold???
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  24. The ears and tail are too short for that dog to be a Coon hound, that is definately a Possum hound... and a darn fine specimen at that!!! Hope y'all like Possum stew...
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