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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I've got it up and running for me... it is a bit of a hassle still I always get a compatability error warning whenever I run it, but it still works... Thanks Bill!
  2. You can post that tourney entry here Cliff: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17538
  3. Your team Captian can post this entry here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17538
  4. I think this is a very good thing and most people don't understand about culling... it is a very good thing when species overpopulate. I hate bird Guano!!! I remember one time as a kid, I was walking along looking up at the sky when a bird flew over and pooped! ... and if I hadn't had my mouth open .... it woulda went right in my eye!!! I don't necessarily agree with taking all the carcasses to study, I think some should be ground up and returned to the water body for fish food... kinda replace a little of what they took.
  5. Great report and pics!!!
  6. Yer s'posed to hol' it in yer malf like dis.
  7. So is this a yes or a no to a Hooters Girl wearing an OFC t-shirt?
  8. I know where LA is coming from on downloading the regs. PDF doesn't get along with all operating systems, especially VISTA (what a piece of sh** that is!) ... but I'm sure he buys fishin' tackle, and if they sell tackle they prolly have the reg booklets. I've noticed the younger generation on here claim that they don't have time, can't get, or can't understand (one young member stated he wasn't a rocket scientist) the regs. I'm sure after a fine or two, they'd find the time and/or the place to get them... and then study them until they understood them. There's an old saying.... something along the lines of "IGNORANCE of the LAW is NO EXCUSE" Edited to Say: You can bet your Sweet Bippy I have and will continue to study the new regs and exceptions for zone 11 for our upcoming Lakair G2G... the last thing I want is for my fishing trip to be ruined because I was ignorant The last thing I expected to happen last year was to get checked on Lake Nippissing, but low and behold. Muskiestud and I were both checked while out in the boat. We were well whitin our limits (1 Pike between the two of us) and had our proper papers... but it could've been a very bad experience if we had done something wrong because "We didn't Know"
  9. Great report and pics been!!! I really like the Dandelions in the first pic, adds a nice touch! Human blood drawn by fish is always way cool!!! Congrats on your team entry!!!
  10. HA!!! Great report and pics!!!
  11. The find your own spot method is a little program i like to refer to as "Tough Fishing Love", it's hard... but they'll be better fishermen for it! That's not to say that I wouldn't take a newb out and show him some of my techniques if I lived closer, I would... but don't sit around and wait for somebody to lead you around by the hand, get out and explore. My best fishin' spots are just that because I found them myself!!! If a newb is a member of this board and wants to find places to fish, all he really has to do is READ AND PAY ATTENTION!!! There are plenty of spots mentioned on this board all the time without even having to start a "spots for newbies" thread. So how many newbies are you taking fishin' with you this weekend jonnybass???
  12. I don't know if your livewell and/or bilge pump froze, but you may want to check them. I had the same thing happen to me one year and when it froze it 'sploded the livewell pump. Calcium chloride is excellent for absorbing moisture and you can buy little tubs of it at Wal-Mart and Home Depot to put in you storage compartments to help dry them out. Lots of sunshine and wind will dry it the best.
  13. How about if we put a regular ol' OFC t-shirt (2 sizes too small) and cap on one of the Hooters Girls??? That would be a nice change!!!
  14. Great report and pics Mike!!! See... I told you you'd catch something if you fished out of a console!!!
  15. Welcome to the U.S.A!!! ... we also have an array of poisonous Spiders and Snakes to be discovered!!!
  16. You have a point Lew, but the "Experts" are just giving the same reply they got when they were newbies. I remember when I first joined the board looking for ice fishin' help on my first trip to Ontario, the info I got was pretty much non-specific and not much help... because people didn't know me, but I have followed the board and made friends and learned a lot! There's the other side of the coin as well. I remember one member on this board telling the story of taking a couple guys out for big fish, and showing them the spots and techniques... only to meet them in the same place on opening day the following year having already fished the good spot.
  17. Part of the fun/adventure in fishing is finding your own fish, if the novices are just handed good fishin' spots... they'll expect it all the time and won't become self sufficient. I say nay! They need to learn how to find their own fish!!! There's also the hook ups section on this board that they can browse and maybe get together with another board member. Onje of the rules of this board is to not post too specific of fishing locations.
  18. Good ones Dan!!!
  19. Great report and pics!!! and congratulations to Bly for her new PB and to Cliff for the first Carp entry in the tourney!!!
  20. When it happens to my team... heck yeah!!! Somebody elses team.... it doesn't bother me that much
  21. Some worms have an exoskeleton and will cause the meat to be gritty (not a nice touch to the meal) if not removed from the fish. The larger Red Grouper down in the Gulf of Mexico are full of these things.
  22. I don't see an OFC logo pic...
  23. Oooooo!!! LPB! "The Bermuda Triangle", be careful out there!!! We have a member here that always has problems out there, from things as simple as trolling over his own lines , to blowing up batteries , and rescuing stranded aircraft!!! Some folks say I would only mention this because I'm an
  24. Guidelines and/or suggestions I can see, but Rules sound so... confining and... breakable!!!
  25. Great pics Cliff!!!(ccmt) That "Lipped Fish" pic is priceless!!!
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