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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. She prolly had you playing the piano because she thought Liberace was hot.
  2. Dat dere is a good'un Dan'l!
  3. scam (skm) Slang n. A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle. tr.v. scammed, scam·ming, scams To defraud; swindle. Some people are very gullible. gul·li·ble (gl-bl) adj. Easily deceived or duped.
  4. They would look much better without the watermarks... but I guess he doesn't trust us... or is greedy.
  5. Where's the NEW boat porn?
  6. Was that top one eatin' fries and ketchup when you caught him? Should be some good eats!!!
  7. Nice fat Troots!!!
  8. Disassembly, cleaning and lubricating will fix your problem.
  9. At least I don't eat Bowfin roe and call it caviar like the Coonasses do!!!
  10. The exchange rate difference is 2 cents between the two dollars. The American dollar is worth 1.018 against the Canadian dollr.
  11. I 'spect you'll be upgrading the boat to a brand new Lund with that windfall eh Cliff?
  12. Try filling your tank up with WATER!!! I read in another thread that internal combustion engines run like a Striped Ape on just plain water!!!
  13. I guess P.T. Barnum was right!
  14. Shopping online will save you money, less overhead! Most online prices are internet only deals.
  15. You can use sunlight resistant PVC conduit, and it's cheaper than plumbing PVC.
  16. Askin' is ok... ... but to find the best spots, you'll need to get out there and whip the water to a fricken froth!!! Good Luck!!! don't fergit yer camera!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0-0ygVvv4c...feature=related
  18. Those are real nice reels!!!... for baby fish! Jus' funnin' ya a little Bubba!
  19. Come on down here and I'll show y'all what hot and humid really is... and not just for a few weeks either! I checked the long range forecast for North Bay for my stay at Lakair in a couple weeks. Looks real nice this week then goes back down into the mid 70's for highs and 50's for lows... I'll be freezin, wearin lots of clothes too!
  20. Where'd you get that old "wives tale" from, Granny?
  21. Go on down to the dealer and get a quote! Or check several dealers... talk to them. Let them buy you a coke and sell you a boat...
  22. Great report and pics!!! Just lookin' at that prop makes my butt-hole pucker!!!
  23. Check this out Don: http://www.myboatstore.com/fabriccleaner.asp
  24. Ooooo!!! New boat porn!!! You'll catch lots more fish outta that console than you would've a tiller!!! Now go get it WET!!!
  25. Ha! Made you look, made you look!!! I think I just decided to bring my own PFD to Lakair!
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