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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. You can easily repair screw holes in your transom with this stuff: http://paint-and-supplies.hardwarestore.co...oxy-108772.aspx I've upgraded fishfinders a couple times and used this stuff to fill the holes in my aluminum transom. It works well!!!
  2. Watch the classified section on the board here, some good deals there sometimes.
  3. Wouldn't it be a lot cheaper if y'all got a couple of soup cans and a waxed string?
  4. Chat was great last night!!! Thanks for the table dance Adrianne!!!
  5. Isn't text messaging for little girls or something? Why fiddle-fart around pressing all those keys when you can just speak???
  6. btw... the 1000 Stradic reel is spooled with 4lb. test Berkley Vanish, which some may disagree with... but it works for me!
  7. They work ok, but it will be difficult to position your transducer exactly as it should be set. You'll need to check it often to make sure it's not shooting out towards Aunt Nancy's house in Timmins somewhere.
  8. Let me guess... you were using Sydney's lucky rod and reel?
  9. I personally consider the 1000 a UL reel and think a 2500 would be better suited for that particular rod... but that's just me! I have a 7' Crucial UL rod that I love to death!!! It'll fling a 1/16 oz lure waaaaay out there with a 1000 Stradic reel!
  10. Now that's a Dandy Fine fish!!!
  11. I like to replace my spark plugs every season... cheap insurance!!! Replacing the fuel line isn't that expensive and is more insurance. It does sounds like your carbs are gummed up, check everything else and if it's still on the fritz you'll have it narrowed down.
  12. Those are the funniest lookin' Pike I've ever seen!!! Great report and pics!!! Looks like a fun day
  13. If Momma aint happy... aint nobody gonna be happy!!!
  14. What's wrong with being part of the family???... a more dysfunctional family ou've never seen!!! ... and what's wrong with knowing a little bit aboot whom you're helping? We don't need last names, mailing addresses, your place of employ, or your mother's maiden name.... just a little general info. We have respected members on this board that have chosen not to show their face in a pic, and that's ok... we respect their right to privacy. A little basic info shown in good faith will pay much bigger dividends than nothing at all.
  15. You aint s'posed to tell the part aboot the drain plug Bubba! ... it makes you look like the rest of us! My old Lowe Bass baot used to have a geyser coming out of the floor drain whenever I did that. ... but with the Tracker Deep V, I can fish all day and not even notice the plug is out... until the boat comes out of the water on the trailer. Then the poor thing takes a big ol' hard whiz... for a long time!!! (Don't ask me how I know this, because it's never happened to me before.) Nice fish and pics!!!
  16. In case you're lookin' to start your Christmas shoppin' soon, I'll take one of these Dan'l... http://www.knifeart.com/pcuflmamodaf.html
  17. Excellent report and pics TJ!!!
  18. Nice fish and pics!!!
  19. Na, just the regular run-of-the-mill ramblings. ... but thanks for noticing!
  20. Fish are like small children. Set them down and leave them for a while, and they're never in the same place when you return!!! They were probably there, but refused to bite. Heavy boat traffic (Bass Tourneys) can really give them the lock-jaw!
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