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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Don't tell me this is another expedition for those disgusting Bass?
  2. It did looka a little fake to me, but I think it's the real thing. Unfortunately it does happen, and has happened down here. It was a miracle those two survived, out of the number of times it's happened here... noone has survived to my knowledge.
  3. Camera angle accounts for a lot in the first pic in this thread, but it is a BIG Perch. Billy Bob, that fish is just nasty fat!!! Looks like some of the folks around here waddling out of the all you can eat fried food restaurants!!!
  4. ...
  5. Great report and pics!!! Those Whirlpool fish are skinnier because they get lotsa exercise swimming in the current! What size and type of hook do you prefer for fishing corn and chick peas?
  6. ...
  7. This is a pic of water entering the dam for hydrogeneration. The black structure is a heavy steel grating that prevents objects larger than 6" in diameter from being sucked into the turbines and ruining them. Fish hold behind the grating for an excellent ambush point and dart out and grab Shad as they are swept by or thru the grating. This is a pic of water exiting the dam after being drawn thru the turbines. (right side of pic) The flood gates are the structures with the steel arms on the left side of the pic (closed position). The flood gates are only opened during times of extreme flooding (usually in early spring). The water will be extremely high (duh!) and muddy with very fast/strong current and massive amounts of debris... not condusive to good fishing. It's better to stay home and sharpen hooks during those times!
  8. Y'all chillun's play nice now... yuh heah?
  9. So there were 2 Peters with Big Cliffs balls?
  10. That boat was sucked thru the open flood gate!... and that guy was an idiot for getting anywhere near the dam when those things are open!!! I won't even launch if they have any flood gates open at all, there's a BIG difference between hydrogeneration and open flood gates!!!... and you have to be careful with just generation too, if they have more than 2 turbines running... I won't fish it!!! We have a phone# we call that gives us a generation schedule and how many units will be running, I'll also make a pass by the dam to have a "look see" before I decide if it's safe or not. I aint riskin' my for a few fish!!!
  11. Buy yourself a good Hydrograpic map of the lake and it'll show you the underwater points, humps, creek channels, rockpiles, and holes.
  12. Which reminds me... I need to update my Hot Dog Cart resume!!!
  13. yeah... and how about that Y2K stuff... that was some really skeery caca too I don't really think we need all this gloom and despair on this forum, all you have to do is watch the nightly news for that. I come to this site for a "Happy Place"! If you're skeered... it's best to keep it to yourself... there are many out there that will prey/capitalize on your fear.
  14. ...
  15. Nice report and pics!!! Looks like you're gettin' the hang of those Mucksies!!!
  16. DANG!!! I knew you should've bought a Humminbird!!!
  17. Insecticides are very bad for aquatic life!!! Get yourself a can of gasoline and pour a small amount on each mound, no worse than running a 2 stroke motor. Don't light the gas on fire! It will soak in a little and evaporate, it will kill some of the ants and the ones that don't die will go deep into the ground. I've been fighting Fire Ants for over 30 yrs.!
  18. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ... say it isn't true Rob!
  19. ... and the second thing you'll need to do is take out a loan... aboot 5 grand ought to do it!
  20. I'm not sure aboot the stats... ... but you can look at all the plates of cooked fish at the end of the reports on the board here and see where they're going!!!
  21. I don't fish Simcoe, but you may want to try deeper water with plastics at this time of year. Lots of fishing pressure on Simcoe, you may want to opt for live bait like minnows on a drop shot rig.
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