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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. If you have the time or oppertunity, try to make it to Cold Lake on the Alberta/Sask border. Excellent Laker and Pike territory!!! I can give the name of an excellent charter service, I highly recommend them!
  2. Nice Wall-ice!!! If you don't want to show your face, take a pic of the fish laying in the bottom of the boat... or at arms length. It makes for a much better pic that way.
  3. Great report and pics!!! I'm seeing more Canadians wearing sweatshirts and jackets in reports now... is that the new style?
  4. Noice fish Justin!!! I just had to chuckle when i saw you bundled up in the jacket, it's still blistering hot down here and I'm actually looking forward to jacket weather!
  5. I prefer to look at it on a per capita basis. Your country has 30 million people, the U.S. has 300 million. Your 13 medals would be 130 compared to the U.S. 79. In my opinion the poorest per capita showing for a country is India with 2 medals for 1+ billion people
  6. Team Canada is up to 13 medals now... not too shabby!!!
  7. Here's a use for it!
  8. Never trust a fart!!!
  9. 10% Ethanol in gasoline isn't anything new by a long shot!
  10. ENTIRELY TMI Gary!!!
  11. Excellent report and pics as always Bossman!!! ... and I agree with you, all those fish were waaaay too small to be Wall-ice... definitely Pickerals!!!
  12. Great report and pics Cliff!!! Looks like a heckuva party! ... wish I had 2 hats like the white one bly is wearing in some of those pics.
  13. Priceless expression on her face!!!
  14. Great report and pics!!! Almost felt like I was there while reading!
  15. Great post!!! I like to heat my metals in a toaster oven at about 390-400*F instead of using the torch, more controlled and a little safer than an open flame... but each to his own eh!
  16. I love the Michelins too!!! You get much better traction with them in the red clay mud down here. Driving around on worn tires really is a safety hazard. Just put new ones on Ol' Yellers vehicle back in May and my trucks are good for a couple three more years... but thanks for the heads up Gary!
  17. You didn't ask for a diagram or picture in your original post Mike, you just wante someone to "tell" you. I "told" you exactly where you could find the information you wanted in the ONTARIO MNR REGS, and Tracker (Don) even spelled it out for you in black and white! ... but you chose to ignore the correct info given to you and act ignorant with the post below. How many years and how many times have you been fishing in Ontario???... and you still don't know the regs or how to navigate the MNR site to find the information you need? Maybe you should get Ryan to read the regs and then explain them to you, that way at least one of the two of you will know what to do! btw... it's is kind of customary to thank the person(s) that help you with information/answers to your questions on this board.
  18. I beg to differ, the gas cap on your vehicle is vented. The next time you put gas in look at the underside and you will see. If your gas tank was not vented, it would create a vacuum as fuel was drawn from the tank into the engine... creating a suction that would make it very difficult to remove the cap, and if you ever did get the cap off, air would rush into the tank! Not good!!! Modern truck and car gas caps are vented with a damper, it lets air in but not out.
  19. Ok, for those that can't comprehend the simple written description of how to measure a fish... here's a picture. It's not a Walleye, but it works the same with all fish.
  20. Looks like a great weekend getaway with lots of quality family time!!!
  21. Nice report, pics, and fish!!! I guess the short summers are the price you pay for living in the "Land of the Living Sky".
  22. Thanks for the cute report from the land of Iddy Biddy Fiddies!!!
  23. OMG!!! Atlantic Salmoons!!!
  24. Ya gotta wonder aboot folks that post threads like this... Are they really THAT ignorant... or just lazy???
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