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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Read the reg link in my post above ya Ninny!!!
  2. It's like y'all Franch guys have a different word for everything eh? ... and y'all can't eat any of them because they're all poison???
  3. Nope!... Excuse me!!!... the last thing I wanna do is whizz of a Skeeter!!!
  4. Noice fish and report!!!
  5. A very "Cherry" boat Rizz!!! You're gonna love that CONSOLE!!!
  6. Well I can't copy and paste from the PDF file, but if you'll click on the link in my post above and read on Page 8 under Size Limits you'll see why.
  7. Great report and pics!!! Some nice Largies there!
  8. I wouldn't do that in Ontario if I was you.
  9. Sorry Skeeter but you're mistaken, it's from the tip of the nose/mouth (mouth closed) to the tip of a pinched tail! Compress the tail with your thumb and forefinger and the very end of the tail will give you the legal length. You'll find it here on p.8 under Size Limits http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/198219.pdf
  10. Not really my first choice in external tanks, but I know their less expensive than a steel one. All gas cans are supposed to vent, it is dangerous to not let them vent. Most (even your car) are vented thru the gas cap.The internal tank on my boat has a seperate vent because I installed a watertight cap. As far as the spillage goes, have you checked the neoprene or cork gasket in your cap to see if it is worn or missing?
  11. How old is your can?
  12. What Urban Legend internet site did you get that off of? ... and if you put a penny in your mouth before taking a breathylizer test it'll come up negative even if you're drunk!!! Since China has nearly twice as many Gold Medals as the U.S., does that mean their dope is twice as good? Actually we have 4 other athletes that have won 2 Gold Medals each and Silvers and Bronzes.
  13. This will probably come in handy at one time or another: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...__SearchResults I know I've wished I'd had one before!
  14. Great report, pics and fish Joey!!! ... and a darn fine lookin spinnerbait taboot!
  15. Uh... excuse me, but I think if you win a medal you have to be tested... am I wrong?
  16. Canada isn't doing bad at all! 7 medals!!! A lot of countries only have 1. http://www.nbcolympics.com/medals/2008standings/index.html
  17. Excellent report and pics!!! ... and good on Shawn for taking you out and showing you the "How-To's"!
  18. Sign up for a photobucket account (it's free) and you can post a whack of pics at once! http://register.photobucket.com/?special_t...av_tab_join_now Nice shore Pike!
  19. Do you prefer and recommend that method?
  20. Yeah, the light's on... but nobody's home...
  21. Very noice fish!!! ... and it counts for so much more than a guide caught fish!!!
  22. Slap those Smallies around HARD ... and make them tell the TRUTH!!! ... don't forget the camera!!!
  23. So when are we gonna see some pics of these fish you catch on this Duh-Wa? tackle you keep braggin' on??? ... or is it the typical Duh-Wa? tackle syndrome? You can hook them... but can't get them to the boat!
  24. Glad to hear your son's injuries were minor, and I think your motor problems are as well... chalk it all up to 1 days lesson in the school of "Hard Knocks" http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...10000_100-10-10
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