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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I have the same prob with some vids (youtube), I just stop them and click on something else and come back later... sometimes that works, other times if i really want to see that particular vid, I'll run it completely in another window and come back when it has finished and click replay. I'll usually run fine then.
  2. You two are turning into quite the Steelheaders eh! ... the faceless, headless, backgoundless pics say it all. Next thing yanno, you'll be displaying them in the seafood section of Sobey's This Radioactive Brainwave fish will destroy future runs if you didn't kill it!!! They're very tasty with a nice dill sauce! Please note how the Radioactive Brainwave fish in the first pic has absolutely ruined the fine manicure of the fishing Goddess in this pic!!! Eating said RB fish's "soul and sins" will reverse this malady, the dill sauce will hasten the reversal process! Excellent report Cliff!!! Glad to see you and bly had such a magnificent day!!! Days like that are few and far between anywhere, and for any species... and that makes them SUGAR SWEET!!!
  3. I found this explanation a bit more entertaining.
  4. ... just cast the damn line and catch the damn fish!!!
  5. T-SHIRTS ARE OOS now!!! ... had you caught a Parka it would've been a keeper!!!
  6. Oh sure! The Egyptians have cotton! That's what they wrap those Mummy's up with, and I've seen pictures of it growing around the Pyramids and that Sphynxter thing... ... but they got it from us!
  7. No kitchen sink pic? Did that Poike die of "hot oil" disease? Glad to see you got out!!!
  8. The only one you'll ever need! http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?act=idx
  9. Is cotton taboo??? Down here wool isn't "All that!"... and if it wasn't for our cotton, you could kiss your blue jeans and T-shirts good-bye!!! ... then you'd have to run around in Spandex, do you really want to see yourself in Spandex Marty?
  10. I say let the big 3 be, whatever happens to them is by their own design. I'll take "Death of the Unions" for $1000 Alex!
  11. I dunno?... maybe a young one???
  12. Your new Avatar makes me go Hmmmmmm Bern! ... but I really do like it!!!
  13. Thanks for the kind words folks! I guess the GWN isn't ready for our Southern culture yet. As far as the John Deere remark goes... 'round these parts, "if it aint Green... it aint squat!!!" Here's a little more Southern Culture: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpxpLtRuph0...feature=related
  14. Don't work yourself into a snit son, you'll catch a fish... ... someday... maybe.
  15. That's my point! I sing that song to myself every time I pass a cotton field!
  16. This is how it's done today. http://www.deere.com/en_AU/brochure/ag/cot...2_AllCotton.pdf This is a popular song to listen to while picking the cotton. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE9QYkkxyVQ
  17. Excellent report, pics, and fish!!! Thanks for posting that Pepe!!!
  18. Take lots of alcohol and the Parcheesi board: http://www.weather.com/outlook/travel/busi...ayLink_business
  19. Don't try to net someone elses Wall-ice unless you've actually used a net before!!!
  20. Wear your steel belted undies!!!
  21. It's an old WW1 "Doughboy" trench warfare knife, military issue.
  22. Waaaay before Rambo!
  23. Your chance to own a piece of history!!! http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...rset=ISO-8859-1
  24. Tell that to the Bonersaurus!!! That done it!... now yer breakin' my frakin' heart!!!
  25. My Oh My!... the big'un got away!!!... where ever have I heard that one before? Man!... I was all ready for some sticker peckin' out fish porn (had my britches adjusted and everything!)............. then.... nothing!!! I'm so fishually frustrated... I'm going to have to go master bait!!! Great report and pics 'Bunk!!! You'll get that monster next time!!!
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