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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Hooksetting arm will be strong
  2. Oh man that looks delicious. Saute onions on butter, throw in the shrooms and some garlic right at the end... I need shaggy manes... right now!
  3. Found a bunch up near Barry's Bay ( not the giant white soccer ball ones ). It doesn't have to rain but we need multiple nights of cool temps to get that morning dew sticking around longer. Its been dry in my mushroom hunting area however lower elevation, moist spots have been producing like mad - happy hunting
  4. Wanna be a good seller on kijiji? Forget being nice to the customer. Meet everyone halfway... halfway being 3 minutes from your house. cuties finish first when it comes to that website.
  5. Those make your food spray on the way out.
  6. Opeongo on a canoe can be dangerous. The fish are usually shallow by then. 2 weeks ago the splake were in 15 ft. adjacent deep water ( that was after the cold spell we had )
  7. MEGA SPAM!! ADVERTISE MUCH BORGER?!?!?! ... just so I don't get banned that was a joke - but yeah, killer report with some dope pics dude.
  8. I always enjoy your posts - but I do have to say there is a grain a truth to it. I tell it how I see it and please don't take it the wrong way. Every lodge is AMAZING with its name splattered all over the post and HUGE FISH. While that may be the case your trip reports have become more of an advertisement - nothing wrong with it as that is your line of work so don't let peoples opinions get to you. Am I allowed to post my opinion on here? PM-ing you asking if you pay for advertising is rude, some jealousy involved mixed with someone having a crappy day? Carry on with the posts, I love fish porn.
  9. manitou - please send pictured specimen to me. I have labs lungs to test said subjects.
  10. Snoring is one thing, imagine sleeping with this idiot.
  11. I think its curbing evaporation along with shading. Water draws in heat so perhaps the balls mitigate too much heat input therfore decreasing evaporation?
  12. Fished outta Tampa - approx. 2 hours away. Chunks of meat on bottom near waterway entrances next to the open ocean.
  13. Dope report man - can I come next time?
  14. If you were a hip hop rap artist you would be named Prolific. Congrats bud
  15. One more for atlantic although it looks like a brown. Clear adipose fin.
  16. Black bear lives matter plus people LOVE cute cuddly things.
  17. Yeah no doubt! Looks pretty cool actually
  18. Dope report
  19. LOLOL We're fishin' here because thats where the fish are! Instant classic
  20. This is a serious issue. This bastitch means business. A few years back I got blistered up pretty bad by an unidentified plant. This was no poison ivy and I suspect now it was hogweed but who knows. There is a plant that looks almost identical to it called cows parsley or cows parsnip. I stay away from both.
  21. Neonates can be such a pain to ID - especially within the Pantherophis genus. Cool find dude - don't see many of 'em around.
  22. Yup - I'd say eastern milksnake as well.
  23. Cool gadget - probably need an open area for it. Lily Shot : Crash into Tree will be a good way of burning time on Youtube
  24. You got some nice tail in the :40 mark and Rollof is drinking the water downstream - gross! Great sound to go with the video
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