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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Those are some nice perch. Nothing wrong with a feed of them!!~!~
  2. I had a freind many years ago that would fish Cold Creek witha spinning outfit and 12 pound test and J-11 rapalas for big browns out of the nastiest wood blowdown holes you could imagine. The big meal actually got these 3-5 pound browns to come out of the cover. Try that...its extreme but if there are small browns there will be big cannibal browns in the blowdowns D
  3. Great fish dude! I think I am more impressed with the silver pike....very cool!
  4. Bay City Marine in Hamilton. Clarence is a good guy... a little dull but a good guy!
  5. Sorry to hear that Lew. My condolences to you and your family
  6. Does anyone know how the Muskoka pike Tourney went down yesterday. I really should have entered it but had other commitments.
  7. Dude don't feel too bad...I have done that too!
  8. Nice report Dan! What was the pattern going? It's 4 weeks till I get there, any chance youll be up there? Darren
  9. Beautiful trout, especially the speck!!!
  10. I was thinking about this! Does it count?
  11. Might be a buffalo fish but its awfully silver for one.
  12. Irish is right. Team 7 has some pretty exotic destinations coming up in the next month.....pity on the other teams!
  13. I hate you!!!!!!! Take me!!!!!!
  14. Thanks for the heads up. Good to know what I will get into when the time comes!
  15. Cant go....it sucks.... good luck everyone!
  16. I always use 7 inch gulp worms in natural colours whenever I am fishing waters with Gobies. It saves yo alot of time rebaiting and I have found the eyes still love it as much as real worms. Plus no worm poop under your fingernails.
  17. No natural law party???? I wanted to vote for the flying yoga's!!
  18. Change the locks??????
  19. I think you are looking for Esoxhunter.com In there message boards they have some giant euro pike including the recent spanish pike and the one you are looking for.
  20. Now thats a great report...thanks for sharing!
  21. Wondering if any one could fill me in on ice out up north. Specifically on lake Biscotasing and the big one Lake Nipigon. Here in the south its 2-3 weeks late from last year. Last 2 weeks in June on both. Hoping Nipigon hasnt warmed past 13 degrees by then, need the specs on shore.
  22. Thanks Guys Ill have to do the guitar pose! For those who are wondering it was a carpenters dream............. 48" x 24" With a guessed weight of 29-34 pounds. I cant imagine what she would have weighed 3 weeks earlier full of spawn.
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