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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Yes it will work just fine, remember to recharge the battery after every use.
  2. Ya know with all the technical capability they have nowadays, you'd think they could come up with a smell-a-screen or taste-a-screen, they just look like a good decoration for my frying pan..
  3. Ya, about time for a fixin of perch, have to work tomorrow and thursday, maybe early next week. Hey we need an ice fishing thingy..
  4. I'll be really dirty honest with you, a large sports store had them on display a couple years back when they first came out with the wild series. As much as I'm really satisfied with my Otter 1 and 2 person models with the 900 dernier nylon, I would not get the Otter Wild series. The difference in material is like going from used pantyhose to to triple thick tent canvas. Person opinion only.
  5. Daily Update: Somehow the threat of involving the legal profession must have twigged someones synapses to the point that the local boss called and asked if a temporary counter and some further work would suffice until they can grab the proverbial bull by the horns. I need something to hold up a sink and counter top cookstove, so I agreed, they sent a fellow from Bradford to Toronto and back here by lunch with correct length countertop pieces, (not mine) but enough to get me going. The "new" installer came in and just shook his head, unbelievable was his first word. He took one look at the scuffed cabinet doors, right away he said the finishing department just sprayed over the scuffmarks, too bad so sad. He agreed they are going back. The upper trim work was beyond belief for him, that will be completely redone. As for the end sum of the bill, that was addressed by the sales person and local boss, there will be a major adjustment to be made upon final completion.... As the factories are now closed for 2 weeks and I don't expect trades persons to flog their holidays at my house because of "some one or many" boo boos" caused by lack of communication, this will probably rest until the first week of January when I'll re light the fire. To all that read and commented, thanks for the support. Hopefully the fatman in red will squeeze his way down my "B" vent instead of sitting on top and making his deposit..
  6. I've dispatched the Beaver with bad dentures (a.k.a. carpenter in a can) to your house, if you find your 4 legged chairs and tables a little wobbly, you'll know why
  7. Hope fully this works for posting the pictures and comments. First pic, nice cut, free no cost. Second pic, the trim is flush with the leading edge of the cabinet. Third pic, the trim is now back about 3/8ths, the 45 cut is past the center of the corner, nice 45, eh? Fourth pic, now we have come around the corner and the trim is really going off, about 3/4" behind the leading edge of the cabinet. Fifth pic, past the window the trim is now almost an inch behind the leading edge. Sixth pic, wow, nice 45 eh, beaver still looking for his teeth. Need a quart of DAP. Seventh pic, next 45, back to the DAP, may as well buy a gallon. Eighth pic, #7 as seen from below, we just have to adjust the 45 a bit overboard to get things to line up. Ninth pic, one of the scuff marks on the face of the cabinet doors, there are 8 more doors and a panel like this, what the heck, they come pre scuffed so you don't have to.
  8. Yes and no, They sell sleds separately if you only want the sled or replacement tops, you can also biy the complete packages, I think they're on another page. http://www.otteroutdoors.com/portablefishhousepackages.html
  9. I understand what you mean and can go from experience. My father was a master cabinetmaker with his 8 year apprentice and journeyman papers from Germany. He did a lot of fine furniture work, inlay work, etc. My brother still has his part of his master piece. Back then, you were not allowed machine work, all done by hand tools. A games table, one side chess/checker board, inlaid veneer, the other side, a working roulette table. The outside end panels had inlaid brass "grapevines". All finished in hand polish. He had it on display at Redpaths many years ago. That's what I meant by no DAP.
  10. Oh ya, there's about $4,000 or so to go.
  11. I don't know if BPro still carries the Otter cabins, I ordered mine from Riverside Outdoors in Thunder Bay, ships via Greyhound, very good price. http://www.riversideoutdoors.ca/catalog/index.php?cPath=111_113&osCsid=f25138bd835592b5e82712af4ad854ae
  12. I'm sure most have heard or watched the program called "Hells Kitchen", I now have my own version I call the "Kitchen from Hell". Back in mid September the wife and I decided it was time for a kitchen makeover, 27 years of the same original cabinets, they were worn out. Take a look and ask around for some advice and decided to go with the local company and support our area workers. We go in, check out the model kitchens, speak with the the lady, she'll come out in a couple days, do some measuring and give us a ball park total. This is for upper and lower cabinets, small eat in counter and two panels to replace the two that enclose the wall oven and d/w. I have a counter top stove. My fridge located at one end of the counter cannot move left due to a hot air floor register(important point). My wall oven and d/w sit inside a 2x4 frame cage from floor to ceiling, strong like bull(important point). A couple days later, the lady comes by to measure, she is told point blank, the fridge does not move, see the hot air register, she understands and says yes. She is shown the frame cage that holds the wall oven and d/w, it only needs a new front and side panel to match the new cabinets, yes I understand. About a week later she comes by with a "person in training" for the final measuring and then will make a computer "picture" of what it's going to look like. The person in training decides, I'm going to move my fridge over the hot air register and move this and that, etc. I gave her the evil eye, told her unconditionally, NO, the fridge stays where it sits. Another couple days go by, the first lady comes back alone with the computer mock up. First thing I told her, your sidekick needs an attitude adjustment, don't ever bring her back. So we agree on the price, contract signed. The products should come in a couple weeks, we were led to believe the second week of November before I go to hunt camp on the 22nd of Nov. Well, they're a little "tardy" to say the least, I was responsible to remove the old counters, cabinets and panels that surround the wall oven and d/w. No problem, all done. They deliver during the week of the 15th, wife calls at work and says, I don't think you're going to like what has arrived. Uh oh, get home, my measuring tape comes out. I have a counter that's 98" x 32" and an extra little piece about 18" wide. I need a counter 94" x 77", all one piece, those idiots didn't read the plans/instructions and figured I had a 30 inch stove/oven, I don't, I have a 30" counter top cook stove, I need the whole counter top, STRIKE 1. Just the length of the 98" counter would mean the fridge would end up sitting over top of the hot air register..NOT. Then there's this "big box" thing on the floor, 8' long x 27" x 25", 3 sided that is supposed to hold my wall oven and d/w, STRIKE 2. Remember the two "important points" from above, apparantely nobody looks at plans or pays attention. Start measuring cabinets, oh joy, they decided I'm moving my kitchen walls too 'cause the damm cabinets won't fit either. Strike 3. Call her up, bring your plan and come look at this. She comes, looks, remeasures and can't believe that "Tweedle Dee" the person that makes the mock up computer picture decided to "change" things without consultation. Well, the corner upper and adjacent cabinets fit, the installer comes by puts them up, (he can't believe it either) he gets paid by the job(more on that later), not how many times he has to come back. Now their delivery/pick up is behind and she asks if I can take the cabinets and "the box contraption" back to the office, she'll take $100 off the bill. Sure I say, it's only 3 km from home. Now comes the fun part, I'm off to hunt camp, no counter top stove or sink for the wife, only the wall oven that I hooked back up and microwave, real nice eh? Back from hunt camp, wait another week, cabinets come back resized, installer comes back late on a Saturday afternoon and manages to install them and the 2 panels(front and side) for the wall oven and d/w. Then he goes to install the valance between cabinets in front of the window, measure, measure, cut, oh damn, too short. Then he goes to install the upper "bull nose" trim between the ceiling and top of the upper cabinets. Measure, cut 45's for the corners, I don't know, maybe his chop saw is drunk, they're more like 40's and 50's, great gaping cracks, oh we'll just fill them with DAP, oh darn, don't have any with me. STRIKE 4, where I come from DAP is the sign of a non professional(within reason). It looks like an old beaver with bad dentures tried to install the molding. So I call her up, mention the shortcomings, along with finding a drawer that hasn't been put together, missing the "plugs" that hold the drawer face to the side panels. Oh ya, holes for the handle also in the drawer face are "missing" a.k.a. not made. Then there are the cabinet doors, 8 of them have what is best described as black scuff marks on the surface and edges, I've tried some products to remove them but it appears on close inspection that they came pre scuffed (how nice of them) and they applied the satin finish right over them. What STRIKE are we at now? Oh ya #5. Now some of you will know and understand how to adjust cabinet hardware, the hinges usually have allowance for up/down, front/rear and slight "tilt" adjustment. The factory monkeys must be getting far too many bananas, I could adjust some one way, but not enough to aline all the doors evenly, placement of hinges is critical, not hap hazard. She was made aware of that too. I still don't have a counter, no place to put my sink, nothing to cook on except an old 600 watt hot plate, (I've got a big 2 burner coleman for outside if I really get cranked) but I don't think I should be cooking outside in mid December. Come Wednesday it will be 6 weeks with no counter, no sink and no stove in sight, Christmas is less than a week away. Saturday morning I gave her the ultimatum, either the counter is installed by Tuesday 21st at 4 pm or don't bother coming back.. period. Do you think I am being a bit harsh? Hope this wasn't too long and nobody has fallen off their chair and injured themselves. I also found out at the barber shop(best place to get local news) I'm not the only one suffering with this company.
  13. Clam has it's share of junky parts too, sub standard nuts and bolts that break off, wispy thin material that looks like panty hose from the inside out...go get an Otter, better material and quality.
  14. That's about as true as it comes, just like 3000 mile oil changes, a lot of people can't get over them either.
  15. Yes, nice video, someone has to tell him to get a foam covered mike or quit rubbing it on his wishers..bad noise.
  16. It would probably be easier for you to get personality and mental stability control and learn how to drive, then you wouldn't need a toyota to do it for you...
  17. Tried to go to that site, says it doesn't exist..
  18. It will work just fine, see if you can make or buy a box to house the whole unit like shown above. Then you have the option of placing a small heat pack to keep the screen from freezing if it's really cold.
  19. I've got 2, they work like a charm.
  20. Good one...now what the hey are you doing up this early..shovelling snow..
  21. I won't buy another Frabil product after the royal corkscrewing I got from them, Clam with some aftermarket real stainless hardware, not the chinese junk, or, go buy one of the Otter huts, cost more, last longer.
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