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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. I call it h-a-r-d-c-o-r-e
  2. how many troll the grand 2-3mph and still produce?
  3. If your willing to cough up the money, try a kicker motor.
  4. What did you expect if your bashing the lure of a rock? My wally divers get scuffed up from hitting sand bottoms or branches, not to mention rocks. Sounds like you wont be fishing at all with any crankbaits, if this frustrates you that much. All the other companies would do the same thing, its not their fault at all.
  5. Fishing off a dock on the kawarthas with a wooden hand made 7" perch lure, I had a small muskie (30ish") come underneath the dock jumped out of the water and grabbed my lure (while it was out of the water, and I was getting ready to cast it again). It did hook itself, but after violent head shakes it got off. It scared the heck out of me. Went back to the same lake last summer, and had a muskie slam a sunfish at boat side, but then just let the sunfish go after peeling some of my drag.
  6. All the above mentioned are good brands. If your buying new something to consider would be which brand offers the best warranty. 4 stroke costs more, but is much quieter, better on gas, and doesn't smoke as much.
  7. I think that lodge owners should also inform fisherman that measurements are to be taken with the tail pinched (I didn't know this either), and it should be required by regulation to have a tape measure on board.
  8. It just brings bad luck, whether related to fishing or not. My buddy wanted to bring a couple banana's in my boat a couple weeks ago and I actually told him either eat them before we get on the boat, or leave them in the truck. He ate them before we went out. Now that I think of it I think it still brought us bad luck, well him more than me as I caught 2 pickerel (which we were targetting) and he didn't catch any. Meanwhile we were using the same bait, although he did catch other types of fish. Another thing, I lost alot of fish that day, atleast 5-6, some of which were nice ones. Could of just been a coinsidence but you never know. Funny aint it? Leave your bananas at home, and dont even think about them . Their not the greatest for you anyway, they take longer to digest.
  9. Make sure it has maximizer technology (uses less battery) and auto pilot. The rest is up to you. Oh and close your eyes and pay the bill, they ain't cheap.
  10. I have herd about the banana thing before, and let me tell you it is bad luck! Tournament anglers: hide banana's in your competitors boats
  11. You just have a dentist who is a shwindler. Shop around.
  12. What do they gain, the fish is already dead, unless it was in the livewell. You would think the locals would care about obeying the slot size.
  13. Bring your boat to a marine mechanic, and just ask what he thinks. He shouldn't charge you to give you advice on what is best to do. Just a thought. Or even try calling around. I did this with my motor, and he sold me a rope that was "specific" to my motor, and on the first couple pulls I snapped the rope. After that I gave up....lol.
  14. Their all crooks if you ask me. You have to risk it I guess. Bay City Marine (aka "we did so and so, but really we didn't") Dundas Marine Forans Marine Next time I need serviving I think I will go try Dundas Marine. Seemed like good guys, I bought my trailer off them.
  15. Doesn't high octane gas make your engine run hotter? Is this recommended by marine mechanics?
  16. The way I see it is; Canadians use pickerel, and Americans use walleye.
  17. Nice report! The best days of fishing are the last days always. Makes you want to come back every year though, thats for sure.
  18. The pale ones are usually the river residing fish, and the ones that look normal are from erie.
  19. you definetely want it to sit level, or as close to level as possible
  20. Nice report, and most of all nice pickeral . Did you weight it by any chance?
  21. He is stupid, but you have to admit he has some serious balls to jump a wake in a bass boat.
  22. No I bought it from grimsby tackle in grimsby. They had the best price. I will have to check the version when I get home from work. Has there been a software update for this unit since last summer?
  23. I can never sleep from being so excited before I go to the west arm. I usually end up leaving earlier than I intended so I dont fall asleep behind the wheel as I like to leave early in the morning to avoid traffic and make the most of my day when I get there. Good luck!
  24. I have seen corn flakes crushed for sale, i think it even says that its for fish recipes.
  25. I would hope I don't need a new one. The unit may of been used 30 times. Bought last summer, transducer may still be on warranty, as the unit came with a 1 year warranty. Ill have to look into this with Jos, sooner than later by the sounds of it.
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