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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. You set regulations saying children under the age of XXX to wear life jacket at all times. The swimming certificate/card you could get just like getting your drivers license. They would test you to see if you can swim. And like you mentioned if you don't know how to swim or your physical condition does not allow you to swim, then you are required to wear a PFD at all times. They could enforce it by doing patrols on the water like they do now for limits, licenses, safety gear. This change would create more jobs, although society would need to pay to play. They would have a may day handing out tickets, but the change could also steer people away from boating since they are being legislated to death. Theres pros and cons for anything.
  2. FYI airplanes and boats are two totally different things. You need hundreds of hours in a plane to become a pilot, whereas you need a few hours studying a book to receive your boaters license or learn how to swim. People who canoe and don't know how to swim should be well aware that a canoe can tip as easy as somebody leaning over to fart.
  3. Amen. I went from wanting a portable, to buying a 14.5' with a 40hp. Very glad I did what I did.
  4. They should make it mandatory that people who boat need to know how to swim. The only exception being seniors or disabled and they should be forced to wear a life jacket at all times. It is beyond me how somebody does not know how to swim
  5. Maybe someone will give him a ride, he obviously wouldn't be looking into it if he didn't have a plan. No need to make fun of the guy!
  6. I know there is a few members on here that have them. I was looking into one myself before I bought my boat. I found them to be very over priced. I think the bigger 14' is like 2grand. You can get a decent set up for 2grand with a trailer and motor that will last you alot longer in my opinion.
  7. Its interesting how the government jeopardizes the safety of people who rent a boat so they can stuff a few more bucks in their pocket from boat rentals and don't require them to get licenses and yet people who boat regularily (and know what they are doing) need to have one. Generally speaking, most people who rent boats are inexperienced, and have the greatest chance of having something go wrong. In fact, when I first rented a boat, I couldn't believe how easy it was to get access to a boat, especially considering I have never even been in a boat at the time. The lodge owner didn't even show me how to use the boat or nothing. Not that its rocket science, but I would of expected some sort of instruction.
  8. Me and my buddies did what you absolutely shouldn't do. WOT to the cottage dock. Labatt Blue was calling from a distance and we had to see what she wanted without delay .
  9. My evinrude likes to give me a hard time sometimes too. Im pretty sure its because the spark plug gets soaked and then does not want to fire. I checked this once when it wouldn't start, and dried off the spark plug with a lighter and it started right away after that. Wouldn't hurt to run some sea foam through it either.
  10. Hold your horses and wait for the Toyota tundra diesel to come out. Talked to the dealer, and he said it would be out early next year.
  11. I left all my gear and even my fish finder in all weekend without a problem. Have people stolen things in the past? Actually if you look at the pic above, directly infront of Joey's boat is mine and you can see my tackle bag on the left.
  12. My PB walleye came out of there (8lb). It was caught at noon and in 33' of water drifting with jigs in the summer. So do not be afraid to go deep during light hours.
  13. Ya they were pretty bad at times, but not the whole weekend I found. The one night I went into the fish hut to fillet a couple, and I didn't even cut out the rib bone because I was being bitten so bad.
  14. I'd say its got to weigh atleast a nickel, what did ya get it on?
  15. I have seen this on kijiji as well. Exact scenario actually. I always ask them, proove to me that this is not a scam. Sure enough they don't respond. Then I scare them and tell them I have already notified authorities . If you can't see the boat before purchasing, don't even bother.
  16. I went into a canoe once and never again. Worst and most uncomfortable experience ever.
  17. Install a power inverter.
  18. I stayed at Lakair this past weekend, and the fishing was tough! Previous productuve spots have really changed. Some areas where weed growth was common did not have any at all. Other areas grew weeds that normally didnt before. I didnt even catch that many rock bass or perch either which was suprising. Everybody at camp was struggling as well.
  19. Don't get a canoe or an inflatable. Get a 12' almuminum or the porta bote. You would be suprised what you can get for 1500.
  20. When I bought my boat, it never wanted to idle. When I mentioned it to the owner he said "it just needs a tune up". Sure enough I was replacing a VRO pump, and a bunch of other things and it still likes to cut out from time to time.
  21. Keys are always in pocket now when packing up. You just had to remind me about the bears eh??
  22. Anybody been lately? Hows the pickerel fishing been? What depths produced?
  23. If you do decide to tow with the jetta, and you get into a scenario where the launch is shallow and you cannot back in anymore, use the motor to get the boat off the trailer, as opposed to submersing your exhaust. I wouldn't recommend you fish alone either as you will need somebody to either sit above the front wheel well or to push down on it while you are pulling the boat out so you can get traction, especially if the ramp is wet. Believe me in time you will grow very frustrated of doing this and putting up with these hastles. I bought a 4runner strictly just to tow my boat because I got sick of the hastles associated with towing a boat with a Jetta. Like mentioned above, you have to pay to play.
  24. Nice eyes. If you can consistently catch pickerel on the Grand you should become a guide.
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