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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. If you decide to not purchase a kicker, at the end of your trolling day take the boat for a good WOT throttle rip for 5-10minutes. I find my motor likes to periodically sputter a bit after extended trolling periods, after I take it for a rip its fine.
  2. You dont use them, I would hope not
  3. will do thanks
  4. Is it honestly worth the risk?
  5. You need to cough up the cash and get yourself a yammy variable speed control outboard, if your real picky.
  6. Clear example why you leave it to the Germans to make manual transmissions . Now i'm going to get raided by all the guys who have the sticker on their car saying "out of a job yet, keep buying foreign".
  7. I would save yourself the hastle of camping at a provincial park. If you like to have a few drinks at night, they can be annoying as hell. Even a little peep and they are telling you your too loud. You can camp right on fishmasters property for like 20 bucks a night, right alongside the river and he has docks made now so maybe ask him if you can use them. If not you just pull out the boat, no biggie. As for the fishing, you really have to work for them. Best time for me is evening, although guys do catch them throughout the day. Don't be scared to go shallow at night I have caught them in 6', which makes sense since pickerel do move shallow to feed during prime feeding times. Jigs with worms or twisters, and crankbaits have produced for me. Good luck bud, looking forward to your report.
  8. a 40HP is pretty heavy bud. My 40 evinrude 2 stroke is 225lbs. If the motor your getting is 4stroke its even heavier. Some punk will not be able to carry that. Even if there is 2 of them they will have a REAL hard time. The only way I see them taking a boat of that size is if your boat is in a REAL secluded area where they have alot of time to bolt it off. If anything they will take your whole boat/trailer. So get a trailer lock and coupler lock. Like Roy said though if they want it that bad, they will take it. I wonder if they have such thing as boat alarms
  9. Anywhere in GTA or hamilton area that sells spare pfleuger spools? Clicker don't work on mine.
  10. Oh and another thing, ask Unclebuck how many times he has had to push down on the front end of my jetta so i can get some traction to make it out of the launch. Absolutely hilarious sight if your watching, frustrating being me though. I am proud of making it out of a sand launch on jack lake though
  11. I talked to a ministry officer, and he said he would pull you over if he noticed you were slowing down traffic because your vehicle is under powered. Police would do the same, your delaying traffic. Big rigs, and oversized loads are an exception.
  12. When did this sale start? Is it worth coming down for from hamilton? Is there anything even left...lol?
  13. Your lookin at 1000lb. Keep in mind battery, full tank of gas. If your driving locally that focus can handle it, but if your intentions are to go up north as well, your gonna easily be pulling 2000lbs, especially considering you will have passengers and all your equipment and camping needs. I have done this with a jetta, and it just doesnt have the power. For example: full camping gear, 2 passengers, and the boat going up the skyway in 3rd at full throttle, and I can only maintain 100km/h. Although, your Focus does have a little more power than a jetta. I find even my 4Runner really has to work to get up the hills. If I could take it back I would of got a 8 cylinder vehicle. Your call
  14. Her boyfriend needs to make more money to be able to take on the mortgage. An approximate figure is your net income has to be enough so that a 1/3 of it can go towards a mortgage payment.
  15. I have herd that as well from other marine mechanics.
  16. If you want 16ft I wouldn't go with less than a 40 or 50 hp. You will be very disappointed if you do. Get the newest rig you can find. There are boats out there that are older hull's and newer motors. I would be in the market for one of those. Good deals don't last long so do not hesitate to go look at a boat when you see something good.
  17. It is more money for a gps unit, but it is nice to have, especially if you fish unfamiliar lakes. You will end up getting one in the future, as we will be exposed to it more and more.
  18. For those that have oil injected outboards, do you guys put in the gas tank and oil tank? Or just in the gas tank? Or does it not matter? I have only put it in the gas tank.
  19. I have always done best in the evening. When I fish early in the morning I don't catch until noon...lol.
  20. What he said. Growing up I fished Bronte alot with my dad near the marina. This one senior would always throw corn into the water and then fish the spot, and sure enough he would catch numerous carp everytime. Pretty sure he was a local, as he was there everytime I went.
  21. I herd that a muskie bit a little girls toe's in peterborough. She was dangling her feet in the water. This was years ago though. Muskie have also been known to attack poodles. Anyone else hear this?
  22. I think I won Roy. UB: your a salmon/trout guy giving a walleye guy advice. On a side note, I probably would try trolling slower to see what happens, but my 40 evinrude don't want to
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