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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. Do you guys think 2-3lb laker from Lake O is ok for eating?
  2. Thanks for posting this Lew. I have been suffering with what I think is sinusitis for a long time now. Had surgery to fix a deviated septum and my headaches/forehead pressure still persist. I think the next step will be a sleeping test as I definetely do snore and feel tired in the mornings.
  3. Tried them on Nipissing at the end of June and no luck. Didn't have much luck with anything else either for that matter.
  4. I just try to fish shady areas as much as possible, especially when the sun is at its peak.
  5. Now there's someone with the right idea
  6. I would be blaming the installer of that roof for that one. You pay 30+k for a "lifetime roof" to have that happen. Herd of this same thing happening to friends of the family. Payed 30k for a lifetime roof, to be collecting it around the street to ensure it does not cause damage to other people's property (when we had those 100k winds earlier this spring). My roof was done properly, and I just continued on with my day
  7. It is illegal to fish off the tracks, and I have herd of them giving tickets. Beware.
  8. What Raf said. Even when Sunoco was around their 94 octane still contained up to 10% ethanol.
  9. I think their population is growing. I caught 2-3 last year trolling for pickerel, whereas I have never caught any in past years on the Grand.
  10. Thanks for the replies guys, I will check out Aikmans on my way home.
  11. Looks like fun was had by all . How was the walleye bite?
  12. I have a couple quantum reels that are in need of repair. Any suggestions as to where to go in the GTA/Hamilton area?
  13. I'm pretty sure they take into consideration braking as well when they list the tow rating of a vehicle. You should be ok.
  14. How much higher is the water this year, when compared to last years water levels?
  15. You should be running the motot WOT throttle at the end of every outing if your trolling extensively.
  16. By CTEC do you mean the setting with the pic of the motorcycle? That setting charges at the lowest aperage. I only use that setting, but I don't deplete my battery totally.
  17. Do you live in Stoney Creek? Could of sworn i've seen this boat on a driveway. Nice rig!
  18. Sounds like it was a fun trip, thanks for sharing. Did you bring a generator with you to charge the boat battery? I would love to do crown land camping but the battery needs to be charged daily.
  19. Do you guys use the water to prevent freezer burn on the fillet? If not, then why use the water? Never herd of this.
  20. You should be thankful you or your friend never had a problem. But in the event you did have a problem with the motor, you could be in for some trouble seeing as conditions can change in an instant on the big water. I agree with the kicker as a back up incase the big motor dies, and for the simple fact that its easier on the wallet to replace a kicker that has been used mainly to troll, rather than wearing out the big motor from trolling and having to replace it. This especially holds true if your buying brand new and don't have intentions of upgrading anytime soon.
  21. Get a Lund or Princecraft and be done with it. Why even risk your safety and hard earned money on a brand that has been known to create problems.
  22. Truly amazing, thanks for sharing.
  23. Best advice I can give you is cold turkey or nothing. You will never quit if you have one here and there. Expect to gain weight because you will. Keep chewing on things to keep you busy.
  24. Nice job on the eyes
  25. The cost of insulating foam will scare you away. Ridiculous expensive.
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