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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. I know for me just writing down the description of the spots brings back excellent memeroies of successes and gets me pumped to go fishing. For stream fishing brown trout give me a pinch down where the stream goes to a third of its width in a riffle and then take a hard turn scouring out the bank and creating a pool thats deepest next to the bank. Add in a big logjam that sits on the bank as well and I KNOW that holds a brown. I'll stand above the riffle in the push and cast a wooley bugger or Bow River Bugger down into the turn and hold it and pump it in the current until senior brown gets ticked off enough to hit it.
  2. Nice report. Thats a nice eye your brother is holding.
  3. On the right at the far side(east) of the swing bridge
  4. Ill second the weedlines in Duck Bay. Sumach Hill is way cheaper than Lauderdales and they let you park there as well. Or did I havent fished there in a couple of years.
  5. I normally have launched at Sumach Hill Cottages on the Severn river right at the Swing bridge. Launch is never busy its a short ride to the south part of the lake and the fishing in the river can be pretty good. Try the flat just to your right when you get out on the lake. Stay back 3/4 of your casting distance off of the drop off.Cast up onto it and retreive back to the boat. Has produced many a toothy esocid for me.
  6. Private property is something you'll have to learn to deal with. Its part of fishing in southern ontario. Try asking a land owner for access. Approach them nicely offer to bring out any garbage you find, and for me I always stress that I practice catch and release. I have an anglers card(kinda like a business card) that I got made up years ago. Im sure it would be even easier now with a computer and a printer to do it yourself. On the card are my name, my phone number, my address, the conservation groups I am a member of, and my fishing practices and beliefs. I respectfully approach the property long before I go to fish it, dress conservatively and explain my purpose for being there. If the owner is willing I make an appointment to come and fish the property that is suitable for him. If he is unwilling I thank him for his time and move on. I have cultivated access to many stretches of private water this way. Again I stress dont show up in your waders, pole in hand. A lot of these owners cant stand fisherman on their property because of past poaching/tresspassing incidents. The forethought and care of my approach seems to ease their fears of yahoo's being on their property.
  7. For river smallmouth give me that big long 4-6 ft deep flat. No current visible on the surface. Lots of boulders through the flat but not to many .Very spread out boulder cover. Almost none of the boulders should be visible on the surface. They should be at least a foot underwater. Mix of rubble,pebble and sand bottom. No real weed to speak of. Like the flat to at least be the length of a football field. I can spend a long time fishing something like that with casts to every side of every boulder.
  8. I caught one that was 23" on a memorial day weekend in Michigan. It was pretty beat up and skinny from the spawn and on digital scale still weighed 6 lbs 9 oz if I can find the photo I will post it.
  9. For specks in lakes I like a shoreline thats steep and tree covered with deep water right off of it. Ideally the section of steep shore line will be sandwhiched between two swales that have shallow weedy flats out front. On the steep shoreline trees will have been blown down willy nilly and super thick with their tops down in the deepest water. Somewhere along that shore will be a 20 foot wide gap in the blow downs leaving a casting channel right up into the shore. SCHWING!!!!!!!
  10. Do you figure south facing because of the sun exposure.Puts some extra heat into the water up there? I find down here when its really cold in the fall even a degree of difference in water temps can really turn fish on. And Lew that does it IM starting night fishing.Your waxing poetic on its virtues have won me over.
  11. Of all the companies Ive dealt with they have the best customer service bar none.
  12. Whew, I thought you were looking for volunteers.
  13. Another thread led me to this because of some of the answers in that thread. I wanna know what structure that when you find it gets your mojo going for a certain species. Something thats pretty specific. Spot on a spot kind of thing that makes your confidence soar that you will catch fish on it. Im going to start with my all time favourite. It would be a sandy point that extends out into the lake with real deep water on one side and more of a medium to shallow flat on the other. Somewhere about the 10-12 ft mark there two or three boulders about the size of torso. Around those boulders would be a very sparse patch of cabbage. Not thick but there. Thats my dream muskie structure and wherever Ive found it when I approach those spots my confidance soars.
  14. I would never subscribe anymore. OFC is all the entertainment, information, and how to that I need. A magazine is all a one way flow of information. Interactive like this site and others is the way to go.
  15. The guy who lived beside me Don Aury. I think I went and got his autograph everyday until he was traded to St Loius.
  16. Ill be up in the park Thurday and Fri. Hope everything goes as planned for both parties. Blackflies are going to be fiesty.
  17. Named mine after my mother who passed away from cancer a couple of months before I got it so she's named Rebeccca Jane.
  18. Id guess what I would have to say is ,We already have a catch and release season its anytime Bass season isnt open. You can catch em you just cant keep em. Ive probably caught a good 2 dozen so far this spring while panfish fishin. Every one of them released. So why dont they just make it official for the Great Lakes and maybe we can keep some of those dollars over here and not give em to the yankees.
  19. They are a ton of fun on a 4 weight.
  20. Very nice intro to the board. Thanks for the fishporn
  21. But it is kind of funny that same company's reel is on its rod dont you think? Most of the musky guys I know mix and match to come up with what they beleive is the best combo. But the writer or judges of this equipment cannot offend the magazines sponsers by doing that. Anything that a magazine trys to tell you about equipment is compromised by the very advertising dollars that they generate. In Fisherman is probably my favourite magazine for the how and the why but thats about it.
  22. Never trust anything a magazine or pro tells you about equipment they have a stake in the outcome. Talk to everyday fisherman at clubs or out on the water. You'll get a better idea of what the best stuff is.
  23. That is in freaking credible. Nice find.
  24. Yes i checked years ago. This isnt a certain guy whos been a cop in Peel and Guelph before is it? Who maybe grew up in Erbsville?
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