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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. I dont know Little Angler has two fish in his avatar early moneys gotta be on him to win it.
  2. A cheap spinner bait will catch fish but you get what you pay for. Longevity of the bait and performance are to key factors with more expensive baits. Helicoptering and super slow rolling are just two of the things that cheap baits dont do well. If all your looking to do is just whip em out there and burn em back cheap baits should work.
  3. Wow Satre quoted on a fishing message board. I just want to congradulate you on an excellent post. It was a great read and I whole heartedly enjoyed it. Your Dad is the Man!!!!!
  4. Yup excessive fishing was one of the complaints in my divorce proceedings. Dont miss having to ask thats for sure!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Is this your pond??? If so you need to get some hearty minnow species into it or you run the risk of stunting the growth of the bass eventually. Feel free to add crayfish and leeches as well.
  6. You've just put a smile on Steve Shermans face.
  7. As a kid we use to fish for nothing but carp on the river till one day this older gentleman came down the river hammering these green and black fish that fought like stink. We asked him what he was using and what he was catching. He was kind enough to stop and explain the whole thing to a couple of ten year olds. This was the early seventies when tten yr olds could still disappear by themselves for the day down to the banks of a river and fish without them being reported abducted by their paranoid parents. He was using black and gold rapalas and he was hammering smallmouth. The amount of lawns we mowed and pop bottles we collected so we could keep ourselves supplied with them that summer was staggering.
  8. My most memorable fish are ones Ive shared with friends that have come after putting together a plan and seeing it come to fruition. Northern River Brook trout on a fly Hiking 20 k into the bush in Lake Superior Park and finding a pristine fishery Hearing a rumour, checking it out on an opening day and watching my buddy get his PB brook trout at that time Being there when he caught the trophy(graphite mount) that sits on his living room wall Being there to catch a big muskie in the canoe Anytime out fishing with my son through the years His first 20" smallie on his own stream wading smallies for the first time His first stream Brown trout His first muskie all on his own with no help Hes a busy kid so getting out with him last summer for some smalllies was great Fishing for me is about friends and what I call digging it out. I dont have picture loaded onto the computer but one of my buddies and I went to Labrador on a last second whim when a trip to the Nip fell through. We didnt catch the huge brook trout we were after but lots of them as well as great Ouananiche and whitefish. Personal Best dont mean that much to me although Im still patiently(read frustated) waiting to catch my first 50" musky.
  9. This will make your vacations even more fun. Sounds like a good time guys.
  10. Youd have to get MNR to pick it up. Ive discussed this with them before and if its out of season you can be charged.
  11. Also you just could have gone out and bought PorkO's virtually the same thing.
  12. Ah Doug Hannon the king of fishing private stocked ponds for trophy largemouth, worse than Bill Dance.
  13. Winter is hard on all fish. For scientific purposes it would have been nice to harvest the head. Oh well what can you do.
  14. Yes Laurel Creek has oodles of them they dont dissapear they just arent spawning anymore so they tuck back up into the brush/banks/crap
  15. Yes heres a link look at photo Photo down abit in the middle not first photo you see http://www.naturenorth.com/spring/creature...er/Fwhsuck.html
  16. Pictures arent the greatest but Im going to say white sucker.
  17. Performance wise Id agree I love some of my diawa reels to death. BUT and this is a big but, if things havent changed with the company in the time Ive been out of the tackle industry their service was sub par compared to Shimano.
  18. One of the problems with this is the sea lamprey. It was a huge contributing factor in wiping out the Lakers to begin with and plenty of the tribs on Eirie are still big time lamprey producers.
  19. Dont forget the deep fryin.. MMMM.. Deep fryed Turducken
  20. The quality of the manufacturing has a lot to do with it. Bearings mean absolutely nothing in most cases. Look at the diagram explosion see were the bearings actually are. Big freaking deal if the grip on your handle has two bearings.
  21. Yes sweet sweet slime. Havent been able to get slimed down your way yet Ive been four times now , I like it I wish it was closer.
  22. I hope you get out and fish the Conastoga up near St Jacobs. great carp fishing there.
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