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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Any idea what it's like around Fort Irwin Chris? Not that it matters, roads are probably washed out everywhere. Looks like it will be culvert hoppin and panfish for opener.
  2. My favourite was that run just down from the bridge that fed the pool under the subway bridge. Hated fishing there compared to outside the GTA but hey I lived in High Park so it was nice and close,.
  3. I was a big time steelheader, Custom Equipment All the top stuff. Got tired of the rat race and only enjoyed doing Superior trips. Thats to far for every chance fishing so I took up Musky and I certainly wish they'd be more understanding of the switch and be more cooperative.
  4. I use the dinsmore for fly fishing but only the tiniest sizes
  5. Part of my job is driving around southern ontario. This is what I saw today as far as ice cover goes. Valens-still covered with ice. Puslinch 1/4 open. Little Lake beside Puslinch-Should be totally open tommorow. Kings Ponds(Kitty Corner to Little) are wide open. Bannister was wide open and Wrigley still had ice down in the south end.Time to start hitting up some panfish.
  6. Oh God Growing Up fishing with my Grandpa in the 70's thats all we ever used on Golden Lake and any where else walleye could be found. Standard worm harness.
  7. Driving around today Chris Pm me with which specific pond and I 'll look for you. Everything is still all iced up minus temps and lots of snow today didn't help. North sides of Bannister and Wrigley are starting to open up.
  8. A week will only help the fishing. First to fish it?? That will depend on other things as well including condition of the road into the access point.
  9. This is a good quote but it appears as though Unions in the private sector, when they do this, the company packs up and leaves. Unions in the public sector do this and continue to reap the benifits of the puplic teat. This builds a lot of resentment towards both the public sector and Unions in general and IMHO thats why the majority think Unions have outlived their purpose. What has happenened is complacency in the labour force"Let them eat cake" The value of our labour is still exploited by the 1% and will be continued to be until we get angry enough once again to tear down the upper class. Edit: When it comes to our labour(mine in particular) I want full value and am really a Marxist
  10. Kicked a few specks out from under a bank last weekend. Certainly made them run.
  11. Fellow Kitchener ite here. Lake Restoule is an excellent choice. http://www.duenorth.net/martinscamp/ Fishing is decent Town is within walking distance. Lots of trails. North Bay is a nice Day trip
  12. No one catches them. Its a snagging fishery, yet they still call it fishing
  13. My favourite brookie fly is the Bow River Bugger. All the sexy movement of a woolybugger combined with the waterdisturbance of a muddler
  14. I don't know if MNR still carries them but almost every body of water has a mining survey map. Bathymetric. Call the local office and inquire. Doesn't give you any fishing details but is very similar to a hydrographic chart.
  15. Mouths of rivers are always good in spring as they bring food and (earlier in the spring) warmer water into the cold lake.
  16. As long as Whirligig and Whitepine remain sanctuaries it really shouldn't have an impact other than no more stocking of the 10 lakes with non selfsustaining populations.
  17. I like it I don't see this stuff though"Some important-to-me features are missing, such as camping spots"
  18. Not as remote as you want maybe but Great Fishing for Lots of species, lots of day trips available to back lakes only 5 hrs from Hamilton. Docks for you boat a nice beach. http://www.duenorth.net/martinscamp/
  19. I'm doing a 10 day tour of Brook Trout Rivers in the Near North at the peak of black fly season. Hitting four rivers and for the first time in my life doing it as a solo trip.
  20. Miro I've actually done this twice once with a steelhead and once with a brook trout.
  21. Stop using IE as your browser. I id it years ago and haven't had one virus since.
  22. Welcome Go explore The Jockos on 63 this May
  23. Thank you for the report. Heres to years of many more.
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