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Everything posted by ChasinTails

  1. my worst was when salmon fishing i had cast into the mouth of the river only for it to backlash, and the one time i didn't want a fish,FISH ON!!! so it took out like and the line got jammed everywhere, in the reel, the nearing, the line guide etc. now it just sits on my desk as it dosent work
  2. I've always loved rc aircraft, the edf fighters are amazing, in terms of speed/looks/performance to cost their much easier to maintain than gas aircraft
  3. what i use are big, plugs or cranks on my mh bait caster with a large bass reel with 80lb braid, never lost a cuds and also managed quite a few other interesting saltwater fish
  4. i saw it snowing, ran into the garage changed the tires and 20 mins later left for fishing
  5. im gonna be finishing the flooring in my house and some odd jobs, got an assignment for shopclass; make whatever i wnt with the tools in the class and if it functions how its supposed to you get a B if its outstanding you get an A im gonna make a pin i truly hope it works, lost of planning in the next few months for me
  6. hahaha thats funny dude
  7. he shouldve just called animal control and let them do it quick and easy and not beat the thing to death, imagine being injured like that and have some guy smash a rock on your head trying to "put you out of your misery"
  8. i saw that show, it was pretty interesting, the original shooter apparently hit jfk in the neck and when the secret service was about to shoot the guy he stumbled and shot jfk
  9. yup give him 400 and walk out not your fault its his so it should be his problem not yours
  10. late season jigging !!
  11. im guessing thats dirt on the head, cuz if its albino its gotta be like the rest of the body right
  12. it sends a pic location and time to the mnr and archives it that would be cool, what do you code in C+ C++ Java ?
  13. yep slipping it would be a big problem, that extra 10hp would probably help in getting up to speed and better pickup
  14. the day i turn 18 im getting a marlin tattoo similar to that they look amazing imo
  15. that rustoleum works wonders on socks if you have any chance of getting them wet
  16. sorry if this is already asked but how much is the reel for it looks badass
  17. http://www.amazon.com/Insulated-Military-Waterproof-Weather-Gloves/dp/B005XGUULU http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/category_gloves+cold-weather-gloves
  18. thanks guys i think its the shefield for me maybe ill go and check out the rapala and steelhead trracker before i go for it
  19. ive fished one, i was thinking maybe theres some porting on the back that bugs my hand, something i cant see on the web or another problem i cant see till actually using it but i think ill take some guy out fishing and play around with the reel
  20. bad experiences buying used, plus i cant return if i dont like the reel for any reason
  21. its about time i get a pin and i dont want to be spending more than 200 max as im just starting out plus its a gift from my parents, i already have a rod so thats not included in the price. My options so far are the: okuma raw 2 okuma aventa okuma sheffield amundsen steelhead tracker raven matrix rapala classic drifter or R type which ones would you consider best bang for the buck reel, it should be able to handle steelhead and salmon and have decent line capacity. I did do my homework on these and narrowed down the list to these and will leave it up to you guys and the final verdict. cheers and tight lines! i will edit and add or remove reels as time and opinions go on
  22. nice pickle trout
  23. any pike or muskie baits up here are good bass and baracuda baits down there, i bottom bounce or jig off piers there to i simplt use a sideways T type rig with a minnow and weight
  24. duffins has 1 confirmed, i saw a dead one, and witnessed 3 caught so duffins is doing ok
  25. their not native but they dont negatively affect anything, if anything they benefit anything in a river in fall and help the trout out in the spring
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