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Everything posted by ChasinTails

  1. lmao that story made me laugh harder than the first one
  2. float the pools, swing the pools, dead drift pools, flick spinners in the pools so on and so on
  3. those sure are nice trucks
  4. if you can, get a 4x4 suv, they have better mileage and unless your a contractor or something u dont really need a truck just my 0.2 cents
  5. go with a 4x4 like most said its better, more traction and power
  6. how is that not legal lol
  7. it does but few and far between
  8. park there walk up and fish wherever u want. i got a question for anyone who can help me out, during open season you can fish from the mouth to wher exactly? i heard its joycelen street but cant find it on maps
  9. thats huge, i once caught a 25lb tiger it was crazy and this guy did it on 12lb mono
  10. why not divert the flow around the dam buy cutting trough the groung, tnt the dam and block off the diversion, problem solved lol
  11. R.I.P hope that catch the perp.
  12. what pin is that, islander ?
  13. anywhere is good when the fish are coming in, everywhere is also bad if there not there
  14. im afraid ill be one of those
  15. my dads car
  16. last time that happend to me was when i hit glass bottle on the highway, it took me down to florida a couple times it had about 80k miles on it
  17. so why didnt they do it before fish got into the river
  18. i was half asleep my bad been fishing too long
  19. id say coils are gone, you checked the battery and deep cycled it right
  20. im drooling looking at the trout pics like the walleye too
  21. does the engine try to start up when you pull the crank or does it just pull without any response
  22. there should be a competency test before licenses are given, like boaters license or drivers
  23. ahem ahem , the mnr needs funding, or the food bank, or releif efforts in 3rd world countries screw horse racing
  24. nice trout bill and mjl, cant wait to hit the pool for lakers
  25. bueaty bow caster
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