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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Exactly and we both will walk away feeling we are both correct in the way we have reached our own logical decisions. Art
  2. Kind of after the fact I do not carry a gun while fishing, All of my firearms stay on the property unless i am going to a place to hunt or shoot. That said it is not a matter of being afraid to go out it is a matter of common sense that keeps me from carrying. The element of the unknown is a strong control on human nature you do not go ripping thru a strange part of a lake if you think there is a shoal around because it is the unknown. You stop and look around a blind corner before pulling out into an intersection. This thought of what if he has a gun has the power to stop someone from becoming causally stupid. Up North you have a luxury that we will never have the very low percentage of legally owned handguns. If someone is in your house the odds of it being a gun fight is rare it is usually you with your trusty hand bludgeon or the horror a knife. That is not the scenario down here it is most likely and needs to be thought of as a life or death situation where as I have said first one to shoot wins. This is not a casual act and has life changing repercussions you don't hesitate in this nor any other time you bring maximum violence to end the conflict with a minimum amount of damage to yourself. This is a strange thing to most unless you have had either military training or other tactical schooling but it is the way I was taught and it has served me well over the years. I am not trying to justify or convert anyone to this way of thinking it i just a snapshot of the reason that shows that this is effective in one country but not in another. Art
  3. The amusing thing about this thread is it is like trying to explain sight to a blind person. The USA has pistols so deeply entrenched in our culture and our rights that Canadian can not see the long term effects it has on shaping our Nation. We have never had the privilege nor can we have the privilege of knowing that a pistol will not appear in a disagreement or worse a home invasion. I find that if the possibility of a gun being called in to play people will think twice before they create a situation where it is "needed". I had an incident up North where an elderly Frenchman cussed me out because I was tagged by my boats decal as an American for going past him in a narrow bridge channel. No reason at all for his cussing and also no reason I should have cussed back but he then threatened me with a sinker across my head. Now I think that if there was a chance of it escalating to something that could be life changing he would have held his tongue and we would have enjoyed the day without the incident. I also took comfort in the fact that if he did sail a sinker at me I would be on the shore beating his ass knowing the worst case scenario would be he pulls a knife. It is a strange situation that most people who haven't seen both sides can grasp much less convey to someone who has been taught something so foreign that neither has a common ground to grasp. Art
  4. You would think Good Year would offer up a friendly comp to the dealer of the tires, to keep them selling their brand wouldnt you think Art ? If I were a store owner and selling a brand name product, I would say look, if you would like for me to keep selling your product, then lets pony up here for the customer. I will make a call to the dealership I bought the truck from. I have a couple of weeks to decide weather I will do the exchange. I still feel Chrylers is the one to pony up here. I hear you but it would be an expensive courtesy that would drive the price of the product up. It isn't until the end consumer that makes the decision of how much he can afford to give away to the customer. The dealer is actually driven to carry the product by people asking for the product the manufacturer is doing the dealer a favor by allowing them to sell it. As you get to specialty products made for nitch markets you can get better service because they do not have a disposable customer base that the big names have. Art
  5. The warranty is on the tire the tire was pro rated and provided to you. You then deal with the merchant to have it mounted and balanced. The tire manufacturer will not pay the merchant for the labor they will only replace the tire in his stock. It is a fairly common occurrence in business now a days. When I buy parts from the warehouse they have a clause you sign that they are not liable for labor, lost wages, damages and other incidentals if the part is defective. You flood a house with a cracked 5 cent ferrule and they send you a new ferrule. It is up to me to decide if the installation of the new part after the warranty is free or not. Dealerships will in some cases extend the good will to do this for free since you bought a car from them so this small expenditure of labor is covered in the past profit and future good will of the customer. The tire shop does not make enough profit in future sales to you to recover the lost time and expenditure of money to get the tire replaced. Art
  6. NO................ you never sleep with a knife on your chest. sheesh Art
  7. I got to disagree with this with it being most of but should read a few of would be O.K. It is not a gun slinger mentality that plays into if I have to draw it is improving my odds of walking away from a confrontation that I did not instigate. It is the same way I treat any fight. Step one is talk your way out of it saying anything that will defuse the situation. If that fails then try to back away from the conflict. If that fails then kick yell claw scratch and head butt the person before he is ready to fight. No rules no mercy get them down and incapacitated before you get hurt. Same for a home intrusion assume they are armed, let them have anything material they can carry and if they come into the same room as you are in shoot for the center mass and don't stop till the gun is empty. It is not tough guy talk it is the correct way to get the chances of walking away from an issue in your favor. Some people thing shooting someone is brutal and inhumane however change the gun to alcohol and most people have driven a car drunk and didn't care that THEY are just as deadly as a gun is in that vehicle. I would feel less anger if someone dies by my gun threatening my life than knowing I killed an innocent person while driving drunk. The choice on how to protect ones self and family is a personal one and it all depends on at what point do you feel you have done enough to live with the outcome of the life changing event. Art
  8. Brian a defence load is for the shotgun it is a hornaby critical defense ammo a tight pattern for less spread more lead in the target. For the 9mm it is glaser fragmenting ammo heavy penetration with quick energy release in the point of impact less likely to travel thru the target. Both are extremely deadly and are designed to do maximum damage. Folks if you pull a gun and you are not 100% sure you can pull the trigger don't even think about bringing it out. It will be the gun that you will get killed with. An intruder in your house is outside of the law he doesn't care to play by the rules , he hopes you will play by the rules and give him a leg up on you. You charge someone with a baseball bat and he has a gun you will not reach him if he is serious on harming you or getting something he wants. In training for the special forces it was drummed into your head If two men have two guns the first one to shoot wins if you don't believe this 100% don't come out of the bedroom. Don't confuse life and death situations with a scary noise or a drunk knocking on the front door. Cliff life altering situations occur to us all we make decisions daily that affect the outcome of the future. If my choice is to mentally or legally deal with shooting someone who feels he is above the law or hesitate and be shot or worse he shoots my wife I will always take the shot. It all comes back to what are you willing to risk for something you love be it a wife or daughter or yourself. Art
  9. I keep a shotgun in the hall and a 9mm pistol in the bedroom drawer both loaded with defense ammo. I have no issues with using them because of my previous training in the use of them in the SeaBees. I do not have to worry about it being a family member since it is my wife and I only. Being the first one to shoot will end the event before you are harmed. Personally I like having guns and pistols and also that others also have them it seems to make people more cautious or hesitate to intrude in places that might have firearms available. Just my thoughts from a more liberal view that can have weapons legally. Art
  10. I can't see this as being good however please refrain from bashing or insulting comments and we will see where this goes. Art
  11. One word Raf AWESOME. The pad on the 89 ranger was what I fell in love with and why I rebuilt it instead of buying a new one. This was the last year before they changed to a different design and it feels rock solid. The weight of the older boats makes for a solid ride with out flexing when you hit a wake and keeps the pad from rocking on and off when passing thru a wake. Art
  12. Very cool but have you notice a strong family resemblance in the facial features? lol Thanks for the view of the Nip it is one of my favorite places to fish. Art
  13. Just Wow thanks for the insight of your little bit of heaven Art
  14. Looks like we are back up to 3 please keep this factual and civil I would like to see how this shakes out since it is an issue that has happen both in the past as well as going to occur in the future. Art
  15. 1989 Ranger 350V GTX 150 modified 62 MPH 2 men and gear. Art
  16. Looks like a step in the right direction i hope both parties come to the table as flexible as needed to make a win win situation. Art
  17. The truth of the matter is if OFC felt that someone is promoting there products and giving back nothing them we as the owners would PM or lock their account. In Mikes case if he wanted to advertise it would be most likely after a discussion between the owners be for free because of how much he puts into the board as well as the members he has helped over the ages. The revenue that we need to make updates and pay for the site usage actually comes from the 3 banners we have. People using adblocker or other programs cost us far more and in some cases we have had to put off updates till we could pay for them because of them. The final thing is if you receive unwanted PM's you can find on the left sideof the PM near the top a button to block that person from sending you any more PM's. I also encourage people to send a PM to one of the owners/mods and we will be happy to put a stop to it on review. art
  18. Thank you Drew for taking the time to put together an excellent report. I love to read and see posts that weave a story that makes you feel like you were there. Art
  19. iboats works well I have ordered from them with no issues. Art
  20. You are correct codeine and cocaine are two different substances with different base ingredients both can lock you up some kind of fierce. lol . If you go into the hospital and they have to use some of the big gun pain relievers ( morphine, dilaudid, Codeine, etc) they will not discharge you from the hospital till your butt is working correctly. Art
  21. You can use firefox if chrome is not to your liking. Chrome is what I use and have no issues. I also used firefox which has less demand on your resources. Chrome has more bells and whistles when it is used on different sites. Chrome does allow more information to be collected anonymously by websites and google but to be fair you give out way more info on the web by yourself than your browser does. Art
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