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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Now TJ how can you say that about Jason and his Mom they run a fine camp for teens and their Hockey program is second to none. Art
  2. I cant give you spring but I can give you another 20 or 30 degrees warmer if you want to visit us down here in Virginia. Art
  3. Actually we are behind in our snow this year. We have had it snow twice so far with only 3-6 inches each time. Without the snow we will get behind in our ground water and have another year of low flow in the rivers. We seem to have more ice storms the last few years were the wet comes from the South and the North sends down some cold air at the same time. When we have snow we usually have a nice white ground cover for a day or two then it warms up enough to melt it off then a few weeks later a new blanket comes. I lived up further North in Michigan were it snowed and it was white then dirty white and did not melt for along time it was not as much fun in my opinion. I guess if you focus on only one aspect of a regions weather it is easy to dislike it because the balance to Michigan was the nice cool summers and the longer daylight was very nice. Art
  4. I agree if you want to chose to not support your country and fellow countryman because they list in the USD that is your privilege. I however take offense that you feel that you have the right to make a broad statement about people who live in the USA. I am not asking for them to pull your post I would rather let people see what type of person you are so they can see your true colors and evaluate you on your statement. At one point I PMed you that the name Masterb8r was a name that people generally did not feel inclined to take seriously and respond to posts It looks like it is not the name that will cause people not to answer your posts I think it will be the person that you are that is your undoing. Art
  5. The posting in the US funds is not so much to be a political issue it is for them to attract the more luckerative spenders. When I travel from the USA and get to a place were I don't know were the grocery store is or baitshop i will usually purchase the products from the lodge owner. I find it is easier to take advantage of the American plan because I dont want to have a bag of dirty linen to take home or pack the kitchen utensials to make a meal of the day. Since I do bring my own boat up I don't rent a boat but alot of the Americans do and that is a big money maker for the lodge owners. If they listed both prices on the site it would reflect 2 different prices that would have to be adjusted almost weekly on the fluctuation of the CAD while listing in the USD since it is the value of $1.00 they don't have to adjust it it can be figured with the simple adjustment of what the CAD is that week. It is just another way for the lodge owners to keep focused more on the job at hand of giving people a better vacation rather than babysitting their website during the busy season. Art
  6. sooooo does that count against your limit???? he did ran alot faster than I thought they could. Art
  7. well if my credits good go ahead and ship us about 10 inches down here to Virginia and I will send an early breath of warm air as soon as I can. Art
  8. I was driving down I95 when i passed a camper with 2 ft of snow on its roof. I was puzzled until I read the Quebec license plate. I guess it never a bad time to want a little warmer weather. I waved as i drove by and in their best Hawaiian shirts they grinned and waved back. I hope they enjoy their trip. Art
  9. can you say duct tapin a drink together....... Art
  10. Your the man Bernie. While it would have been easier to ignore the post you went ahead and not only answered but also took the time to research the tests and diagrams to make it possible for someone with limited knowledge to test for the correct answer. I give you one attaboy for your time here. Art
  11. why thats like building bicycles for fish.......but then again i dont drive a tiller. Art
  12. I have collected the lead from wheel weights from auto garages and use them to cast my sinkers. I use a router and pieces of corian to make my molds. I cut an oval cavity that is 2/3 of the corian depth and then cut a slot at the top and bottom 1/2 of the cavity depth. I use a piece of coat hanger thru the slots with (2) 1/2" nuts to weigh down the wire to keep it from floating in the lead. Then pour the lead and as soon as it hardens pick up the wire and slide the sinker off of the HOT wire. The corian will get soft but usually you can get 30 + sinkers before it cracks or distorts. The secret is to make 3 or 4 cavities and let them cool off between pours. Your sinkers will not be perfect because the corian gasses off slightly as it gets hot but the sinkers are very usable. I guess one day I will make them out of metal but i can get a seasons worth very quickly with almost no expense. Art
  13. If the situation is one were no one is around to be offended I have no problems cussing. If one slips out then I apologies for the word and go on. If I am with a group of people that we are comfortable cussin and you move next to me and are offended by my cussing then it's you that have chosen to expose your kids to my cussin. Art
  14. Why don't sharks eat lawyers??? Professional courtesy..... Art
  15. Well that was fun now what do you want to chill and clip off next? I have found that after you ice it down if it still hurts get a can of compressed computer cleaner can and give it a 1 second burst of liquid BUT NO MORE so you do not freeze the skin. Then you have about 3o seconds of no pain to work the hook out. you can also get a syringe and irrigate the wound with hydrogen peroxide and then use an anti biotic cream like nesporin to finish it off. The tetnus shot is still a must have though if it is done right it should hurt more than the hook did the next day. That should keep your mind off your finger hurting. Art
  16. you could always send it to some one who uses USD daily....... Art from USA
  17. nice boat but its a TILLER ...... no really nice boat its to cold to start the old tiller /console post. Happy fishing Mike Art
  18. good job yall it will make driving alot safer and more comfortable too. Art
  19. You might try dealing directly with G loomis and get better results. The place were you bought it has already gotten their profit out of the transaction and will only lose money if they use manpower to keep you happy. They don't feel that you hold them responsable because they blamed the return policy on the vendor/manufacture. Art
  20. thats a right nice fence you built their bud. Glad to see you had time to go fishin and get a few to boot is a bonus. I went down to see if the yellow perch have come up into the river yet but they aint here yet...... Art
  21. I'm guessing that a few people have not been introduced to the term"Headhunter". The job that Joe is involved with is matching the right people to the right job. Companies will call him and ask for a person with these qualifications and if the Headhunter finds the person then he get paid for his services by the company. If a person comes to him and gives him a resume then he tries to match them up with a company that needs that professional. In some cases he might approach people from company "A" and see if he can put together a package to work for company "B". If he can get a commitment from "A" he then presents it to company "B" to see if they will agree and then he gets a brokers fee for putting together the deal. It is a job that takes lots of people skills, time and commitment. It is why this thread is so funny and tongue and cheek. Joe has in the past has helped write quite a few resumes for people on the board and helped them find new directions in their working life. As you can see their is a big difference between an employment agency and the job that Joe does. Art
  22. So Joe at what point has this employees time become more valuable than yours? He is causing you to lose up to 35 min distracted from the job that you are suppost to be doing. Now he will be costing the manpower to document his dismissial? You would be amazed at the energy that he is sapping from you and the people that work around him. Their are to many good people who want his job around to keep him their cut your losses and send him out the door as soon as you can. I know that non of this is new info I just wanted to help you like you have helped alot of people in the past. Art
  23. Nelly from what I know of the species they do not have any viable populations above South Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania. The cousin of this fish is the Channel Catfish which does tolerate colder waters and can be found along the Canadian border in waters that are not to far north. The size of the Channel catfish is not as big as the blues are. Art
  24. with a soft pitch like that here it comes T.J..............I thought you were hibernating their my little fuzzy buddy. Art
  25. for those following the catfishing in the Potomac river down here by Washington D.C. here are the results to this Saturdays events. I have put them into a link just in case you are on a slow connection and dont have alot of time. catfish photo link.
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