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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Noooo....... but if you are looking at the huge spoiler on the back it means he isn't going as slow as you are.... LOL sorry couldnt pass it up and I am just a redneck in a pick up so don't pay me no mind. I would add on the serious side though that pulling over to use the cell phone is illegal here in the States because of the amount of people that pulled over into the emergency lanes to talk were getting rear ended by people avoiding/ using the emergency lanes. I use blue tooth on the phone and can honestly say that I am a safer driver listening to Tom Tom give directions from house to house than checking a map every few turns. Art
  2. Happy birthday buddy I am sorry that ROY forgot to remind us. I guess I shouldnt be to hard on my buddy Roy it seems that his memory has just caught up to his height. Art
  3. I am afraid you are right Glen when big business can not make the profit they need to survive then they will cut costs any way they can. I have never been union and I feel that they are an asset when working conditions were poor at best and the people needed a voice but their demands are sometimes excessive. The issues are that the people that use the products are the ones that ultimately pay the price of the union dues with higher retail costs. Right now people are tightening their belts and unless industry can match the demands of the customers then they will find the market place a brutal place to compete. I am truly sorry to hear about the loss of jobs up North and South and wish the people a speedy resolution to their delemia. Art
  4. very nice boat looks like just the ticket for a good falls worth of fishin Art
  5. Does this mean you don't want to know whats going on in other peoples lives? I like to read that Bernie has finished the roof on the cottage and that Nanook is on the mend or even that bill's wife had a baby. If I didn't want to read those then I would see that they have placed the universal signal of NF ( not fishing) beside it so I would just breeze by the post and read the other 50% of the threads which is still a lot of reading enjoyment for all of the money that you have spent getting here. Art
  6. If I remember correctly I think I got a letter in the Mail because I have been a member since before computers were invented. Art
  7. I think I got a letter in the Mail because I have been a member since before computers were invented. Art
  8. Happy Birthday Cliff now go out and get yourself a big old pot of Crawfish and possum guts. Art
  9. As a buyer I have never been charged a fee for a transaction. You also don't have to hook your paypal to your bank account it is only if you want to be a VERIFIED account holder which is optional. I like it because it does not expose your credit card information to the internet or the seller so it is not floating in cyberspace. Since I am stating this from having an account in the USA I am Not sure if Canadians have a separate rule since their is a border between us. Art
  10. I am sad for our loss. I had a great time talking to Terry at Lak Air and was looking forward to seeing him next year. Art
  11. I vote dealer just for the warrentee I would suspect that the market for good to great used motors are pretty small. Art
  12. Good Job Jackie on keepin the "old Goat" around I wish you both many more..... Art
  13. O well I guess this proves that IT wasn't my fantastic guiding at Lak Air that let you catch fish.....Good report and keep us posted since you are so far away bud. Art
  14. While we all have lost a good friend and a man who has wisdom... We can take our memories and hold them forever. My condolences to Gary's family that he has left behind and the friends that grieve for their loss. Art
  15. Isn't that the steeples in the backround???? Nice day to fish Bud. Art
  16. :whistling: Here Brook come get the nice juicy steak on the big boat........... is it working yet Chris??? Art
  17. Has anyone seen my dog ? The last place I saw him was at Lak Air G2G...... I have enclosed a picture of him If anyone sees this puppy please put the correct postage on his collar and send him to me. Yes their is a big reward it is $ 10.00 more than Spiel offers you to not send him to me... Thanks for the update photo Chris I have sent it to the other members of the "I love Brook fan club" down here. Art
  18. Apology accepted I have also in the past and I am sure in the future typed without thinking. Now tell us a good fishin story..... Art
  19. Sorry same answer here Luremaking.com supplies me with all of my paint needs. Art
  20. Well I checked my PM and it lookslike Roy stopped her before she got to # 21 guess I am out of luck.... Art
  21. Once you have been faced with a natural disaster of this magnitude you then can comment until then you post is considered as arrogant and offensive. To judge a whole nation because of the actions of a few that the news media has reported is not correct. If I dissected all of what I read and draw inferences from select stories I am sure I can make Canada seem like a nation of bad people or a nation of Saints depending on what stories I highlight. Since I took the time to meet the people of Canada and see the culture and tour the beauty of your country I can say nothing but good things about what you have. As far as the existence of New Orleans it is at the mouth of the Mississippi Delta and is one of the most important shipping routes here in the USA. It provides cheap access for the northern parts to get raw material used in the building of cars, steel etc.. I would ask for Timmeh post to be pulled but I would rather people read it and see it for what it is and weigh his future comments with it in mind. I would also like for people to note the apology that he has offered later in this thread and use that instead, to weigh that he is a good guy who types to fast sometimes like we all do..... Thanks Timmeh Art
  22. Something you might try if you want to start your own library of what you want to remember you can either post to the thread and use a key word or phrase like "what a great idea or Wish I had thought of it" and then use the search feature for the key word. You will end up with your own private library. Art
  23. Nice looking tool I could see that as being handy thanks for the link Rick. I wonder if they would come on board and have a OFC Special buy??? I will wait a few weeks to see if you can arrange it for us. Art
  24. Usually the insurance companies will cover the damage that is caused by the act or the damage to repair the issue but the actual incident is not covered. The damage to a fence or lawn is covered and the rental of the equiptment is too but the actual removal or repair is not. I have done water line repairs were the insurance company will pay for everything except the part and the time of the actual repair to a water line. So the owner was out 15 min and 5.00 worth of parts. go figure..... of course this is the rulling here in the USA and may have no relevents in Canada. Art
  25. You all taught Glen what an icehole was so why not an icehouse..... Great work Bernie glad to see you are not roaming the streets getting in trouble. The roof looks great and now that it is weather proof again you can take your time finishing up the interior. Art
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