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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. The salt also keeps them from sticking together. If you want to add salt to them make sure it is natural salt or kosher salt most table salts have iodine in it and it will destroy the baits. Art
  2. great job Maureen I am sure you did us all proud. If someone can put a link to the piece it sure would be a nice thing for us stuck alittle further South..... Thanks Art
  3. Lets see.... Suntan lotion...check....shorts.....check..... cold drinks....check o.k. time to go fishin....... Art
  4. Not to worry B Cliff it's the heart and thought that makes you the man that you are. While you will miss this year I am sure that other's will step forth and pick up the load you have carried......I hope that in the future you can come back and again find yourself at the head of the train again. Art
  5. What Joe doesn't know is the lure came out of his tackle box....so he did help. Art
  6. You are more than welcome.... Since you were unsure of the line at the time we figured we would give you an incentive to go big. Joe and Art
  7. I can ad my .02 cents here also.... I have ordered shirts, books and cd's from Jen and Pete and have had nothing but great service from them. The only bad thing is the lucky hat that Pete sent me still hasn't brought me a musky........I might have to go over to the darkside and see if Marc can scare one up for me since Pete........... Art
  8. The sportcat heater is rated at 1500 btu's..... or about what your hairdryer produces. Hold out for the buddy it puts out 4,000 or 9,000 btu's . Art
  9. sorry to hear Brian my prayers are with you bud. Art
  10. Good too all..... is about all I can add to this. Art
  11. Glad to hear you have a direction to go now. Keep us posted as you are able and give us a holler if their is ANYTHING else we can do for you. After all you have done so much for all of us over the years. Art
  12. Next time you need some dirt softened up just give me a call I will send my coon hound down he has turned out to being a champion digger when he buries his bones around the yard. Very nice job on the front lawn Glen. Art
  13. Thanks to everyone to the well wishes for our thanksgiving it was the best.... I think I O.D. ed on the turkey though...... Art
  14. Make sure you shake the envelope Joe sent.... I'm to cheap to buy my own stamps..... get well soon Rick and call if we can be of any more help. Art
  15. Their are a few tools made to get the stuck cartridges out with out harming the faucet Any of the Moen faucets that are made after 1996 use a 1225 cartridge that is plastic and stopped the issue of the cartridge bonding between the brass units. If you have any issues in the future with the moens made after 1996 and you are the original owner they have a lifetime warrentee that actually means something. You can call them at 1-800 buy-moen While this sounds like a commercial for them I am just a plumber that appreciates a good product and great support. A word of note as far as the black in the delta the cups : The rubber is deteriorating but it is far from needing service until it actually leaks. The little bit of discoloredness does not indicate that they are close to failing just oxidized. Art
  16. OOOOO noooooo you don't I ain't gunnaa start speechennn like yu gain. I's gotts toooooo blennnd in hup ear. Remember Glen " hey yalll them yankees are fixxen to cooome overrr the (bang) " And that folks is why the Yankees won the civil war...... Art
  17. Well I look out the window and all I see is nasty white stuff falling out of the sky. It isn't suppost to amount to anything but it sure is a cheap shot letting it escape the Great White North so early in the year. Signed A very cold Cajun to far North for his own good Art
  18. While I grew up the rule was until I was responsible enough to marry then I was not allowed to do the married life in my parents house. Even after I left home and visited with my fiance we slept in separate rooms. After he is at the point that he has the ability to financially and emotionally support another person and is in his own house then he needs to respect your rules. I am not saying that I did not have relationships with ladies till I was married but I did not thrust it into the lime light of the family's world out of respect for their beliefs and feelings. I think you also might think about counseling with both of you at the meeting so a mutual agreement can be reached with a 3rd party moderating the discussion. Art
  19. You know what makes me say Hmmmm bernie? It's when I was a kid all of the elevators I got on smelled like butt, but as I got older they all smell like hair spray..... What gives???? Confused in USA
  20. Here is a quote from the all american outdooors site "We are Authorized Dealer - Full Warranty on ALL items" I believe them so if you need parts Wild give them a hollor. Art
  21. Our friends at allamericanoutdoors.com have this reel for you to consider calcutta conquest iso 400f reel I have purchased from them before and have great results with them. This reel is a very high quality and you will be upgrading from the calcutta te version they are also Canadian shipping friendly from others in the GWNorth that have ordered from them in the past. Art
  22. I have learned that when you fish from a boat you cast as close to the shore as you can and when you fish from shore you cast as far out as you can...... Art
  23. It's not the missing shirt that looks strange it is the stark white skin that gives me the creeps......... Art
  24. The shortest memory bud. I am glad God decided not to give me a detachable ass or I would lose it daily. Art
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