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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Extended warranties are a really good money maker for the provider. Most average 10% of the cost of the vehicle that means if they do not have to replace 1 vehicle in 10 they make money. If you were promised that in a portfolio you would sell your soul to sign up for it. If it was the lottery you would sign up for it but now that you are on the other side of the equation are you still gung ho to be on the losing side?. If you take the $1200.oo and send it into the morgage company at 6% in 2 years it will be worth over 72.oo per year simple interest. Art
  2. Happy Bday sorry the MNR couldn't make your birthday wish come true. Art
  3. I once saw john with a cow on his broad shoulders... o my mistake it was a leather jacket... Art
  4. Dan it looks like the deer just told your Sis the worlds funniest joke...that priceless. Art
  5. Looks like a broken tine and the chain is behind him... Art
  6. I usually keep my worms in my mouth to keep them from freezing...it should work for minnows just try to keep the whole breath swallow separate.... Art
  7. Looks scary to me also I use a seat pole that fits into the socket and welded 2 rod holders on a plate for my trolling rig. BTW the J hook on the bottomside will damage the fiberglass it has almost no surface area to spread the load. Art
  8. Ummm wait this is just wrong because that makes me an accomplice to an affair instead of a trip with my Brother to go fishin. I feel so dirty now. Art
  9. I would apply the same rules as summer boating...use a coozie on your beer can. Place all empties back in the cooler and carry no more than 3 beers per personal cooler. Art
  10. I thought that " the great one" phrase was for Wayne Gretzky? Not to take anything from a great ledgend like Bobby Orr. Art
  11. Nice photo... way above my ability it seems all of my great shots have part of my hand in them. Art
  12. People have asked for a place to place their photos that are friendly to the OFC forum. Here you can open an account and your pictures will be rescaled to the correct size and ready for posting. We can all thank our Fearless leader TJQ For this place to play. Ontario Photo Gallery Link Thanks T.J. Art
  13. Here is a link to the Ontario Fishing network Gallery if you post it their you can link it with ease. Free OFC photo Gallery Art
  14. Lundguy is already taken but since you are just starting out in a new lund we do have lund boy open.... Art
  15. He drilled 3 holes and after each one a deep voice says " their are no fish here" finally a man comes out and takes his drill and says"it's a hockey rink you diptube" Art
  16. By supporting competition the consumer wins. When you buy a Ford do you only use factory oil filter and oil or do you buy a better priced or better made item? I haven't paid the extra price of the Mercedes boxed parts since I found I could bulk buy the same parts overseas at over 40% savings including shipping. Art
  17. Just remember to put on the foil before you tape your hands... I'm just sayin. Congratulation Dan C
  18. Is a double chocolate dipped donut better or worse for you than deep fried back bacon?? Glad you had fun on one really cold day. Art
  19. aplumma


    I still think the Snakehead is a better looking fish... Art
  20. Well done as always T.J. Thanks for the time and effort for such a worthy cause. Art
  21. I hear yaa I am guilty of buying knifes and tools. I love a good working knife and spent $225.00 on a sharpening system called the Wicked Edge. I even thought I was nuts for that purchase until I sharpened my first knife with it. Man O Man it can raise an edge that will cut you just looking at it. After hitting it with the 1200 diamond hone looking thru a magnify glass it is smooth as glass. Art
  22. fillet them and put on crackers. Art
  23. Sometimes it not a need... just a want. We all have a cost limit and it is different for each item as it fits into our life. I would not give you a quarter for the best cup of coffee but will pay 1.75 for a Pepsi with no issues. Ice fishing has little value to me because it is a cold weather sport but I will spend over $1,000.oo to fish in Canada when it is warm. Go figure Eh? Art
  24. I love the trucks and the mechanical part but the one I went to in an indoor arena darn near made me deaf for 2 days. I will never go back without ear plugs and earphones. Art
  25. Welcome aboard you have a good teacher in Big Cliff not only in fishing but life in general I am envious of your situation. Art
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