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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. While this is a little off the topic it might help some people that are going down the rough road of excessive debt. "The secret to money is to make it work for you" This statement was passed on to me by a little old man one day. Over the years by trial and error I have been able to find some of the ways he eluded too. Most times if you take the time to talk to your bank rep. you will find that certain accounts can yield more interest than others. You can also find that those accounts can be raised to a preferred rate just by asking. The banks also have starter accounts that will pay up to 3% which you can have an automatically drawn from another account. While it is limited to about 1200.00 a year it is a start. This all sounds good but if you have debt then all of the % the bank can give you will not offset the % you are paying them. Focus on the largest debt % first and work hard to pay off one of the debt cards you have. After it is paid off go down the line and pay them all off. If you have a car payment nows the time to work on this one if it is a higher percent than than your mortgage. Now you have gotten to the point were the only debt you have is the house. Support your 401 or SEP to its maximum amount and then pay down your mortgage as fast as you can. So were is all of this extra money you have? It's in your pocket and leaking out because you don't have a budget. Sit down and write a budget and stick to it. You would be amazed at how you spend your money keep a log for a week and you will see holes all over the place. If you want a good book to read Dave Ramsey he has programs that will give you the support and the reasons on how to get out of debt. He is not a debt consolidation service he is a guy that gives you the tools needed to fix your money issues with hard work and will power all for the price of the book. Art
  2. How come the rod you built me didn't catch fish like that? Never mind I am sure you are just going to say it is my fault. Art
  3. Well the good news is 95% of your names never come up. Lew just as T.J. said the report button is the answer for people who want to voice their concern on a post. That raises a red flag for all of the Mods to see and then we can decide. A lot of the time if someone just posts in the thread it will not get caught till the next mod does a full read on the board usually in an hour or two. Art
  4. Rice krispies are for grownups use coco pebbles next time and use vodka its chocoly delicious... Welcome back too Roger. Art
  5. smmunnnnk....hehehehhee...sssss.... HA HA HA HA HA HA not a chance you hit it you pay for it. I would counter sue someone if they tried for that lawsuit. Art
  6. Nice job T.J. does Monique know you raided the goody pile again? Art
  7. Good to hear...while we live all over we are family here. Art
  8. He can check into Cold calling for some of the local companies. The down side is it is a thankless job. He can also check with some of the non profit companies for contacting people for donations. Deliver pizza's for local area. Art
  9. Good deal Mike it restores my faith in Abu. Art
  10. What is his skill base? Does he have any physical limitations? Can he drive to accomplish the job? Phone and internet available/ available? Art
  11. just go with a list and remember 50 oz of tuna is 12 days worth of sandwiches. art
  12. mono whatsitgigger ??? y'all talk funny. Art
  13. One of my friends is a Seafood wholesale/retailer and the tricks of the trade of the dishonest are down right frightening.I won't tell you the possibilities on shrimp... just enjoy them most merchants are on the up and up and will give you a fit product. Art
  14. aplumma


    Chris Silly Me I said to lock down Brian not the Tyler thread.... o well to late now I guess we will just let it go for now. Jeeze you are hard to tell a joke too Silly Me Art
  15. A lot of the seafood that is caught in international waters off the coast of Canada/ USA are processed on board and then sold to Canada/ USA as a foreign product depending on the country of Documentation of the vessel. Some of the ships that are in Canada/ USA may have an office in China just for the tax breaks and lack of stiff rules so they can Document the vessel for the benefits. So an all Canadian crew/boat can be selling the made in China products to Canada. So hows that for thickening the plot here. Art
  16. I caught a fresh water clam while fishing chicken livers for catfish. Art
  17. We could divert some of the funds from the motorcycle fund if you want I'm in... Art
  18. I have found thinking of the world economy as a moving changing entity that each day shows new potential paths as being a more realistic view of the world. Art
  19. Thanks for the generous offer but with this $5.50 cents we should be set I however am proud to say I have left thousands of dollars in the Great White North traveling by land and enjoying the people and places over the years. I if it was in my power would apologize for passing on this outrageous expense and hope not to bankrupt the nation to the North of the USA. Ambassador Art of the Cajun Clan
  20. I would like to thank each and every one who pays the $5.50 it has saved My country... Read the topic/article the money is for air travel security expenses not our National Debt. Art
  21. This fee is charged by ALL airports whether you see it as a seperate fee or you just pay for your ticket. If you fly to the Mexico you will hand them $10.00 cash as an entrance fee. Their was a waver of this fee between Canada and the USA that is now no longer being waved. When you cross the boarder by land they charge you for using the bridge both ways "for bridge maintenance" whats the difference their? Art
  22. Kind of scary glad to see you are on the mend. Art
  23. Glad to see you here Jacob. Art
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