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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Please tell me their are pictures...I know I can bribe them out of the kids. Art
  2. "SONNY" Santo Amalfi Birthday:September 6, 1969 Passed November 20, 2009 He was 40 years old, Location: hamilton He is survived by his wife Jennifer, son Domenic, and daughter Emma. It does not seem fair that a man who had a heart so big could be taken from us by a heart attack
  3. Good job T.J. here hoping for another 11 year or more. Art
  4. Welcome to the halls of OFC were some of our past members are honored for their contributions here on the board and also in life. This section is set as a read only out of respect for the people who have passed on. If you have someone who was an active member of OFC and would like to have them remembered please send the following information to any of the Moderators and we will include them here. We will need the following information (if available) Board Name Real Name Birth Date Date of passing Photo attachment Were they lived (Province and area only) Interests Short statement: survived by,great guy,missed by,and a memory How they passed on.
  5. Wayne I had you pegged as a doully kind of guy. Glad to see you getting a new truck with a nice trade-in and 0% to boot. Art
  6. Now I know why I don't catch them huge pike when I fish up North....Y'all caught them all before I get their... Nice fishin Art
  7. Keep the faith Dan their are a lot of fish calling your name. I pray that the Doctors have the knowledge and the tools to heal you as soon as possible. Art
  8. Snagging is usually done on course fish like shad,carp,gar and bowfin. Since he was bragging about a catfish he snagged which is illegal it must be treated just as any fish caught OOS or illegally and returned to the water in a timely manner. The act of snagging is really no different than using gill nets as far as the control of what fish that you catch. Down here we also gig frogs, use impound nets for Stripers,noodling for catfish and gill net for gizzard shad. All of them are legal and in their place a tool to harvest the fish from the waters. Some of the methods are more regional like harvesting alligators and Nutra all are done using traps and guns in the South. If we looked at the way bears are hunted up North we could shock someone from the South and the Southern traditions of coon hunting would appall a lot of folks up North. These type of posts taken from the area were it is considered normal and brought to light in places were it is strange will sometimes offend the people where it is not common. Art
  9. nice fish but i think you crossed the line into loonyville. Of course you got to consider the source I am from a place were snow is a four letter word.(ssssh I know it has 4 letters but it would not be funny if I said anything else) Art
  10. I am sorry to hear this Rick. It is one of the hardest things in the world to have to bury a family member. I hope that you and your Mom can pull thru this with as little pain as possible. Just know that you all are not alone and people are standing in line to help you thru this time of grief. While I never knew your parents the son that they raised shines as an example of how great they are and the reason that they were put on this earth. In sorrow Art and Joe
  11. I guess they found the head empty so now they are working their way down. Glad your up and about kind of. Art
  12. Foil hats will keep the thought police away but nothing will get rid of paranoia or the voices in your head. It amazes me how everyone has a deep dark secret in their head that when found comes bubbling out and makes the sanest person sound like a raving maniac. For me it is the fact that this universe we live in might be just an atom in a bigger universe and on and on and on. P.S. don't try this thought unless you are sober. Art
  13. I have a sprinter with the headlights are always on and 6 months is about the life of them if I use the brighter after market bulbs. The confined space that the bulbs are in heat up to keep condensation from building up. Use the factory bulbs seems to last longer. Art
  14. I'm just jealous I couldn't grow a beard if my life depended on it. My mustache looks like junk too. Art
  15. I run the hds7 with the LSS=1 module and it is like an Xray below the water. I wish I could put it on all my boats but for now it is on the one I use in big water. Art
  16. I love that face my friend... sooo are you at Lak Air this year? I missed ya last year. Art
  17. You can take a few downtown and sell them to the punk rockers to hang on their ears. Art
  18. I still can't figure out were the hat ends and the face begins on yaa Chuck. Are you going to Lak Air this year so I can see? Art
  19. And the winners are to be announced. Thanks T.J. and Dave for the awesome contest. Art
  20. No really look at what he has done. He did startrek till it died.... then he rode the conventions...books...songs...t.v. shows...commercials... Man he just will not die he is still developing ways to be in the eyes of the public. Yall say Chuck Norris is a survivor he can't even hold a candle to Willy here. Art
  21. Good find Dan thanks for the info. Art
  22. Chris is home and feeling worn out.He put himself to bed and I am sure we will see him around some tomorrow. Art
  23. Thanks for the video of the cool fish. Art
  24. very cool I wish we had enough snow down South to warrant owning one. I have to console myself with we have a longer motorcycle season. Art
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