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Everything posted by trapshooter

  1. They don't make my exact boat anymore but this is their new version... The Competitor 185 Tiller. 95" beam and rated for a 90. http://www.alumacraft.com/competitor-185-tiller.php
  2. This is the same as my boat and I love it. 18.5' Alumacraft tiller with a 90hp Yammy. After running many different big tillers, Alumacraft has been the best of the bunch. Also worth looking at is the new 18' Kingfisher Trio Tiller.
  3. Hey Dave, didn't you make a video of that one ice camping trip you did? Can you post the link please?
  4. Great day for you guys Simon! That lake does sound like Heaven!
  5. Try taking the transducer clip/support cable off. Just let the ducer hang from the transducer cord. That other cord can make the transducer hang off kiel / off centre. WOrked for me.
  6. I have a Humminbird 788 on the bow and a 898 at the back. Sweet graphs that are networked together. Should be close to your price range.
  7. Great year for sure. The fact you went fishing on your honeymoon says a lot!! Lucky dude!
  8. Jigging Raps are a top producer up here. Catch everything under the ice! The Lindy Darter is another favourite of mine. I always start with it and if the fish are active/aggressive they will hit it. If they aren't I usually go to something I can tip with a minnow. I've caught everything on the darter though... walleye, pike, whitefish, burbot and my biggest bass and laker ever on the Lindy Darter. I always have a rod rigged up with a darter on it. Good luck this winter!
  9. Thanks Tyler, you'll love the GoPro. There's so much you can do with them. I just started playing with the time-lapse mode.... looks awesome when you put it in a movie. Have a great season.
  10. Thanks everyone. I shot it with a GoPro and a Kodak PlaySport. The PlaySport is relatively inexpensive, @ $179 and shoots 1080p HD and is fully submersible. Also, it's small, about the size of an iPhone.
  11. Beckman Pen FinSaver all the way. Lightweight, strong, huge bag with FinSaver mesh. This is Kickingfrog's 49.5" muskie in it.... And here's another view of it with yet another 49 and change inch muskie from this fall.
  12. I'm a flasher addict, through and through...Humminbird ICE45. No graphs/sonars for me... gotta be a flasher. Guys could argue about flasher vs graph until spring, but the bottom line is they all work and your preference will be whatever you used first and got used to. As long as you've got something electronics wise on the ice, you're going to improve your ice fishing.
  13. You're a lucky guy... lots of nice bass and a GF that likes to fish.
  14. I put this video together with footage I shot last winter here in Northwestern Ontario. Hope you like it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2kfA8V68gI&feature=plcp
  15. Bingo! Will not have an impact whatsoever. IMO the bass population will continue to grow. The Bass guys will always release them and from my experiences the tourists RARELY keep bass to take home. AND, we're already allowed to fish them year round... changing the limits and size restrictions won't do anything negative to the NWO bass population, IMO.
  16. Trip of a lifetime for sure! Thanks for sharing your photos and stories from this epic adventure.
  17. Simon if you buy that Tundra LT I will be extremely jealous!! Nice sled man, hope to see it in person this winter. Not long to go now... ICE is coming!!
  18. Awesome Bunk! You made it look easy. Quite the haul of muskies for a first timer down on LSC. Also enjoyed seeing your boat partner!
  19. Oh yeah, I blew through a set of runners per season. As the second set of runners was wearing down that's when the hole/tear/crack in the sleigh started to open up. Cheap plastic. That was the worst part of the design... the shallow sleigh with thin/weak plastic. IMO, Compared to the Otter products the Clams are like kids toys.
  20. After completely destroying a fish trap guide in 2 seasons (towing behind snowmobile) I swore off Clam forever. After 1 season with an Otter Ice Cabin I'm more than happy with it. Everything is more durable. Just my 2 cents.
  21. I can't comment on the Pro Dry line but I do have a G3 jacket and it's bulletproof.
  22. Awesome recap Rob. It was a blast having you and Jim up to Lac Seul. We definitely had to work hard for our fish and tough it out through some bad weather. That's the way Lac Seul works though.. put in your time and you'll get rewarded. Hope to see you guys again soon.
  23. Epic! Great report as always Bunker. You are the Kesagami King
  24. That time of year weather can be anything from warm summery conditions to cool/wet/windy. Pack for both! Usually though it's still pretty nice... morning will probably be crisp. Good luck and I'm looking forward to seeing your report when you get back.
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