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Everything posted by trapshooter

  1. I appreciate the kind feedback and recommendations guys.... but I'm over on Lac Seul. I've never even fished that part of LOTW so I would be of little help! I'd take the advice to call the local sports shop and get the names of some local guides. The only guy I know of and could recommend is Dave Bennett. http://www.davebennettoutdoors.com Calling Ryan Marlowe at F8 Baits is another option. Although he's in Kenora, he's very well connected in the LOTW musky community. Best of luck! ben
  2. Lindy Rigging is tough to beat if the fish are a bit sluggish. Otherwise I like pitching jigs tipped with minnows or 3-4 inch plastics.
  3. Why not C/R? Muskie... far more value in sport fishing then in consumption. If someone wants a meal there's a lot of options out there that are far easier to catch than muskie. Because there's not a lot of them, especially big ones, and it takes a long time for the lake to replace them. Their value is far greater in the lake then on a plate. And why would I make that statement... because it's MY opinion... as I stated...
  4. in my experiences, IMMEDIATELY after ice out they are still deeper. Takes a bit of warming weather to get things happening in the shallows. Up here you can catch lakers 'shallow' through the month of June.
  5. Why not make muskie C/R only? That's the way it is on lac seul. Eating a muskie is not a valid argument IMO and for those that 'want one for the wall' get a replica! my .02 c
  6. Deep fryed, for sure. First inject with melted butter and hot sauce. about 3 mins/pound in 375 degree oil. Guaranteed delicious.
  7. Yes, and you can tell jakes because of the uneven tail fan and they have short stubby little beards. You can see those toms in your pictures have long beards 8-11" usually. If you're close enough too, Toms have long 3/4" to 1.5" spurs on their legs and Jakes just have little nubs for spurs. The guys I hunt with... we do not shoot Jakes because they are going to be TOMS the next year!!
  8. Yeah, those 3 are TOMS! Aka Longbeards, jelly heads, strutters. They be running the show. If a Jake (1 yr old male) dared to display/strut around those toms he'd get an a$$-kicking! Ah, I see you made the edit. Great pics Justin!!
  9. Great news Rob, congrats to you and your wife.
  10. There's quite a lot you can do with iMovie and for the price (free) I was very impressed. Add music, text, photos, transitions etc. It's easy to drop the level of the music for sections of your video where you want the original sound to come through. But basically, it's the raw footage that you get that will make an impressive video. I've edited 1h of raw footage to get 3.5 mins of action packed end product. For me, iMovie is more then enough. I will admit I have no experience with anything else. Are the $$$ editing softwares really THAT much better for amature/youtube use??
  11. I've ridden in boats with the Smooth Moves seats before. Something you need to experience first hand to understand how awesome they are.
  12. I have the GoPro HD Hero2 and love it. Easy to use (there's only 2 buttons!) and so versatile with how it can be mounted + underwater.
  13. Stellar recap Drew. Looks like an awesome winter and I'm really loving the laker pics!!
  14. Awesome Steve! Hope to get out with you again this spring.
  15. Great vid. Some cool shots and a nice job editing. GoPro's are awesome.
  16. I just got a 300yd spool of 80# for muskie fishing. My buddy at Thorne Bro's said it's awesome stuff.
  17. Dang... I should have been there yesterday and not today!! We did get 2 trout but few wf. Ran around a bit but that didn't pay off either. What a difference a day makes! Great fishing Simon!!!
  18. I have heard that he doesn't. So you need a boat small enough to hand-bomb into the creek. Apparently our friend, Mr. Greenpants, has permission for the camp launch though!
  19. With spinning reels, you'll have a lot less problems if you close the bail manually... rather then turning the handle of the reel to close the bail.
  20. Thanks everyone. Hey Simon - yeah a few of those trout are from there. The only other spot I tried is along that shoreline where I talked to you back in early January. Went there twice and caught 4 lakers and a couple wf. 35 fow. I need to get in there this spring/summer with a boat/graph and handheld GPS!!
  21. Well Dan, the good news is that you wouldn't have to travel very far!!
  22. Been putting some time into chasing lakers and whitefish. My buddy Mike from Kenora came over for a trip. Overall we did pretty well, not huge numbers but quality fish. I'm just going to let the pictures roll..... This next fish was the highlight of my trip, maybe my season. It's not massive big, but a real nice fish... great fight and I really like how the pics turned out... so I'm posting 3 pics of the same fish. It hit a lindy darter about 5 mins after I tied it on and dropped it down. I think Mike was most impressed with this Ling. Overall it has been a great season on the ice. March is usually the best month, so lots of ice fishing to look forward to yet!
  23. Good stuff Jay. Quite the fishery over there, I gotta try it someday.
  24. So sorry to hear this tragic news. My condolences to you, Alex, and your family.
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