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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Any way you want.....thats how, unless of course your going to release it.....Use great care if releasing fish when possible. Try to avoid holding fish vertically and if you must place a hand mid body to cradle the fish...Tired,stressed fish are even more susceptible to handling and must be resuscitated at boat side or in a live well before release.... Cheers !!
  2. Hopefully Crazyhook will chime in on this thread..He's got a hole bag of tricks for fishing carp....Give him a PM ??
  3. Just a thought....If your going to be doing a lot of fishing on your own there are some really nice kayaks out there that you can fish out of and portaging will never be an issue..I just picked up a fishing kayak from Canadian tire on sale for $399...Its a great entry kayak and I must say its very hard to tip over..Had it out on the ponds here in London couple days ago and I rocked it back and forth pretty good with no tipping issues. I'm also 240 pounds so I figure I'm giving it lots of ballast Anyways,just a thought....
  4. If I had 40 bucks to blow on a bait I would go for something like a bucktail...Grim Reaper makes a great double thumper...I like the white with silver blades but theres alot of guys here that swear by the black with hot orange blades...They run about $29.00 plus tax. With the change left over you can buy a pack or two of good quality leaders so you won't have to worry about breaking off any fish.... Good Luck !!
  5. It will make one hell of a rooster tail
  6. Well, if your fishing West Bay and your up near Keiths or the South shore line I would definetely check Hays Narrows out. Nice deep shoals on the main channel for Smallies.....Never fished walleye that way but we know they are there.... Good Luck !!
  7. Ive caught largemouth bass in Long point bay with those types of markings...I always figured it was a skin virus or something like that.... In any case,nice bass !!! Cheers
  8. Usually waders come with either a stocking foot or the boot attached already. I have never heard of anyone cutting off the lower part of a pair of waders and glueing on a boot . Waders go through alot of ware and tear on a regular basis on the river and even a manufactured pair of waders will have issues eventually with seam leaks so I would be very carefull with these homemade type boot attachments you have......The worst thing is springing a leak while fishing in cold water. Pretty much will end your day... Good luck
  9. Rick, I have been feeding my dogs the Kirkland brand from Costco fo quite a while now. Every time we take the lab to the vet she says whatever your feeding your dog keep it up cause his coat is beautiful....Theres another product I also have discovered you may want to know about although it has nothing to do with Kirkland....Its a product called "Hip Action" . Its made by a company called Zukes and what it is is a treat that has gluecosamine and chondrotin in it and it helps dogs with hip and other joint problems. Ive been giving it to my 13 year old dashund and now he's back to playing around with his toys again like he used to..... So all in all, I highly recoment the Kirkland dog food and also the Zukes Hip Action to anyone with an older dog that is having joint problems....... Cheers !!
  10. Happy Happy Wayne !!!!
  11. Yup,mornings and evenings are the worst times. Ice and stretch as much as possible and taking an advil or two before bed doesn't hurt either...Also go to the drug store and buy a pair of wrist splints to ware while you sleep. This will keep your wrists straight and decrease the pain and tingling. If you google up carple tunnel home remedy you will find good wrist exercises to do after icing or anytime for that matter... Good Luck
  12. Hey TJ, It would be nice to see a full sized Ontariofishing.net logo on the back of the jackets whatever color or style they may be...I would even pay more for it !!!!
  13. Sorry to here about Hobbs Bernie....You did the right thing
  14. Woo,close one.....sweatin bullets there for a couple days.. Yes,even us mods depend on this site to get us through our days....Its like we are a big community of OFC junkies around here
  15. Don't you cry no more....
  16. 1 free coffee so far..That makes it 1 fer 2...My wife won the "Coleman Camper" prize couple years back....
  17. Dust in the wind...All we are is dust in the wind....
  18. Happy Birthday !!
  19. Thats the beauty of this rig is that the worm does float higher up in the strike zone which makes it more visible to the walleye as you drag the rig along the bottom. Works great and only takes a few minutes to tie one up fresh if you break off. All the components are available at your local fishing shop too !!!! Cheers !!
  20. I call this a "Blown Lindy Rig" Basically everything you stated above exept without the spinner blade because of the blown night crawler and the fact that this rig is fished on a very slow controled drift or with a positioning motor....Its a killer rig on the walleye on Nipisiing...
  21. Here you go !! www.luremaking.com Good Luck !!
  22. Oliver,that is certainly a great offer. Being a turkey hunter myself I can honestly say that not very often can a guy get an opportunity to hunt on private land in a highly populated area for turkey. Most good spots either have no trespassing signs posted all over the place or the land owners already have long lists of hunters waiting for a chance... So common guys, this is your chance to do some prime turkey hunting and show Oliver a thing or two about float fishing.... Cheers !!
  23. Ive been Turkey hunting for a number of years but with no success...Also hunt deer with a group and we do well always ending up with venison in the freezer every season. Good to see your picture posting skills are coming along...
  24. Well I just got back from the London show....It was pretty good although by back was killing me the whole time I was gimping around...I had one issue reguarding this show and that was...................There was no beer !!!! Thats right they were just serving pop and hambergergers at the food concession....
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