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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Also try and find a trailer with the best height. Know what your motor length is below the transom and find one that is a foot or so higher than that from the lowest rear contact point. A trailer that is too low will cause damage to your boat when towing rough roads and one that is too high will make launching difficult. Always get bunk trailers for aluminum boats. Load guides are nice but not as mandatory for a boat yours (and mine) size since we can easily center them after we've pulled out of the water. I've got oil bath bearings on my trailer but too limited experience with them to have any opinion. Overfilling the bearing buddies makes a giant mess...that lesson I did learn.
  2. Golden retrievers ripping up livestock?? Not unless he was raising ducks. I've had goldens all my life. They are good at retrieving but lousy hunters. Never met a golden that wouldn't come when called and as Aplumma said, it is better to make a friend by returning said dogs than to shoot the things. If you want something to blame, blame the owners, not the dogs. My dogs got out once when a Bell tech was in the back yard working on the pole and neglected to close the gate when he left. Had this resulted in my dogs getting shot, much, much more press would have resulted. However I would have paid for any damages they caused. I don't know what the dogs were doing, but knowing the breed as I do, I would be very surprised if they were doing anything that could result in harm to the animals. A golden can cost up to $2,000. Don't know how much a cow or pig is worth.
  3. But I will say that anyone who shoots a golden retriever is a total $^#&. If his cow ever ends up on my property I will shoot it.
  4. Farmers can only kill animals harassing livestock..simply being an interloper is not cause for shooting.
  5. The pinholes may be caused by poorly grounded electronics. Believe it or not.
  6. No..there's lots of shorefishing opportunities, but if you want to be pretty much guaranteed fish, I would definitely get a charter.
  7. There's only three reasons to get bad line twist... 1. Improperly spooled line 2. Bait or lure twisting the line 3. Reeling in while the drag is going out. I've seen a big steelhead roll so much it buggered up 40 yards of line but that is pretty rare. Eliminate two of the possibilities and the one left, no matter how improbable it seems, is the correct answer. The best cure I've found is either to let out 50 yrds or so into a moving stream (nothing on the end) or to troll 50 yrds of line (again nothing attached) behind a slow moving boat. Levae the line out for five minutes then reel it back it between your fingers to add tension to the line. Have you line spooled somewhere else next time and see what happens. Don't assume the tackle store is doing it right.
  8. Okay..my girlfriend likes Jeff Gordon and I'm not sure which I am more afraid to admit...me liking him or having a girlfriend that does....
  9. Hydrogen is the answer. Lots of it and it is free. Home based windmills are already a reality but the production is too low to compete with what we have. if we delvvelop more non intrusive electricity like done in Niagara Falls and couple it with hydrogen fuel cells, we can konck oil demand in half..which of course would just raise the damm price. But at least the wind is free.
  10. Where can I get a bigger image of the Jeff Gordon car? A lady friend of mine is a big Gordon fan and would like to send it to her
  11. I wouldn't want a gun too close to where my wife is sleeping in case I blurt out something in my sleep.
  12. This assumes the fact that the fish is tail hooked or otherwise hooked in a fashion that increases it's leverage. Would you then suggest that a musky that takes a solid swipe at a 12" Jake and misses and gets hooked in the back would then be better off dragging that lure around? How many people are able to tell without a visual confirmation that a fish is foul hooked until the fish is landed??? I disagree wholeheartedly that cutting of a fish is a better option than landing and removing the hook. When you talk about salmon, the point is moot since the salmon are put and take anyway.
  13. I don't know which extreme side of the issue is more likely to be full of poop, but if the defensiveness of some is any indication... Is global warming real? Of course it is. There is much evidence to support it. Is the ozone in danger? Yes..again this is indisputable. Is the air we breathe and the water we drink polluted? Seriously..if you need me to answer this for you... Are these somehow connected? It certainly makes more SCIENTIFIC sense to say yes than no. Even if Al Gore is wrong about everything he stated..and there is no chance he is...he at least brought about more discussion. Discussion is never a bad thing. Even President Bush admits global warming is real and is caused by humans. I can't imagine anyone more to the right on this issue than him.
  14. I doubt that releasing a fish with a hook and 10 yards of line is less injurious than landing a fish and releasing properly.
  15. Your definitions are the difference between a foul-hooked fish and a snagged fish. Snagging is an intentional act. Foul-hooked fish happen for a variety of reasons.
  16. The worlds most expensive fishing lure! http://www.elitechoice.org/2007/10/07/worl...-lure-for-1-mn/ Use a leader..you don't want to lose this one.
  17. I think if you use a gun you take all the sport out of it. Use a rope and a hockey stick on them moose. Toss a good lasso and whack him with the stick right across the shins. Pull his sweater over his head and beat him stupid. Dinner in no time! Now thats hunting!
  18. Here's a thread on the personal digital recorders.. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11848
  19. I don't think I would get a recording DVD player. Rather, get a standard DVD player for about 150 bucks and get a personal digital recorder instead. They have a harddrive which is recordable and erasable. Burning a DVD through your TV or cable will get you some pretty poor results. To record a decent DVD you should do it through your PC and requires a bit of software to get it done.
  20. He must have come off of Centre St. Thats the road that runs parallel to the canal in Allanburg. The spike belt was set up on the other side of the bridge where there is no way to escape it. The paper reported the police were 'following' the driver. The car was stolen and the guy had other outstanding warrants for theft. After he stole the car, he proceeded to drive down the main streets of Niagara Falls tossing the contents of the car out the window. Cause when you're in a stolen car, that's the best thing to do to not draw attention to yourself. The paper also reported the suspect was taken to hospital for his 'odd behaviour'. Sounds more like 'high on crack' behaviour... I took two pics with my cell phone camera, but they have yet to release the data cables for this new phone and the phone end of the cable is a proprietary design. I'll see if I can email them to myself or not.
  21. I think it would be cheaper and faster just to get an ignition switch from a wrecker. You'll have 2 keys to deal with, but still not bad.
  22. Probably lots of cars following in case he gets into a residential area..then they can call off the chase and block all exits from the grid.
  23. Sorry for your loss HH. My thoughts are with you and yours.
  24. I was on my way home from work tonight. I was driving on Hwy 20 coming up to the Welland Canal. As I approached the big 'S' bend that forms the lead-up to the bridge, I noticed some headlights erratically moving in my side view mirror. I saw a car approaching me from behind at a ridiculous speed and he was moving out to pass me. I look up to see a car coming toward us and I think the guy behind me won't be able to see him because of the bend. I moved a bit to the left to block the guys attempt to pass me so as to try and avoid the impending head-on collision. Then I notice about 100 meters back about 12 police cars going like a bat out of hell. I decided that my only course of action was to get off the road as quick as I could to give more room to the guy being chased. I was hoping that he would see me brake hard and right and be able to avoid the collision with the oncoming car. So my brakes are locked up, the car coming the other way now sees whats going on, he brakes hard right and the guy the police are after follows me hard and right but without braking. He entered the S bend with his rear tires hooked off the asphalt and on the shoulder gravel. He over corrected, got sideways, slid across the street and sideways into the cable-style guard rail. By now there are cops all braking and one car followed the chasee's car as it slid into the ditch and pinned the drivers side door close. I had no idea we even had this many police cars around. They were everywhere. I was still trying to calm down ( I was convinced the head-on was going to happen...still don't know how it didn't) and then realized I was trapped into the scene. So I watched as about 10 officers surrounded the car all the time yelling 'Police! Hands on the Wheel!" The lights from the cruisers were too bright for me to see much, but I could here everything perfectly as it was only about 20 feet away from me. I heard a dog, I heard guns being unholstered....I heard the driver screaming...guess he got hurt when he wrecked. Too bad. Almost killed whoever was in that other car. The police were amazingly professional about it all. They got the guy out of the car, he was obviously hurt bad, and they put him into a cruiser and sped off to the hospital. While talking to the police they told me there was a spike belt awaiting him on the other side of the bridge and that they had chased the guy for quite a distance. Still don't know why he was running from the cops. The Sergeant told me to expect a call from the SIU because the driver was injured so then it becomes a whole big thing. The weird thing was that the guy that almost got hit head on saw all the police cars and buggered off. All this happened in just a few seconds but in the midst of it all it seemed like a lot longer than that. Its amazing how fast your brain can go when you need it to. Just glad no innocent bystanders or officers were hurt...as for the driver...just desserts. Did you really think you were going to outrun the entire police force??
  25. Take pictures, call the MNR. Don't assault someone over fishing. This situation has grown out of a lack of confidence in our MNR and that is due to funding issues.
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